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Eric Galliers
12 articles

Italeri F-104S 1/32

January 29, 2015 · in Aviation · · 15 · 4.8K

Here is the F-104S, built out of the box apart from a couple of Airscale instrument decals and a Tamiya AIM-7 missile to replace the one in the kit.

I used Zotz decals.

Lots of fun to build!

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Impressive model, Eric.
    And even more impressive photography!

  2. Fantastic model, great build. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great model and great pictures, Eric, I'd love to know more about the build.

  4. I concur with the masses, Eric...your photos really enhance the detail you've put into this beauty - especially that close-up belly shot. Outstanding!

  5. Impressive build, looks the part and well presented

  6. Great looking build. A much better kit than the 'experts' on the forums gave credit for.

  7. Nice build there Eric.
    Well done sir.

  8. Absolutely brilliant build and finish. A very impressive looking Starfighter. Well done.

  9. Hello Eric,
    Excellent model and a good photographer.
    The "WIDOWMAKER" is still inspring many modelers around the world.

  10. A MASTERCLASS Starfighter! Lovely paintjob. Superb!

  11. That's very impressive Eric, a really good finish on that. Very sharp photography as well.

  12. Excellent! The paint and finishing are fabulous.

  13. Eric, you really nailed it. I trust your landings are as smooth as that superb 104.

  14. Very nice build.

  15. Thanks very much for the nice comments guys.


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