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Scissors & Plane Westland Whirlwind Paper model 1/ 100 scale

As a kid growing up, I use to read a lot of commando comics. Mainly about the air war stories. I have always been fascinated by the and building this brought my childhood memories back. I am happy with it. the only thing I would change is the thread I used for the aerial wire. at this scale it's just too big. Cheers my friends.

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8 responses

  1. That looks really awesome, especially for a 1/100th scale model. I had enough trouble with the Special Hobby 1/32 Whirlwind I built a year or two back.

  2. Excellent paper model, Neil!

  3. Nice result on such a tiny paper model, Neil @neilpapermodel

  4. Nice job Neil, this is a great looking Whirlwind!

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