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Revell 1/90 SANTA MARIA (from 1969) moulds

March 30, 2015 · in Ships · · 11 · 4.4K

Something different from me!
done for the client

with this project from
the end of the sixties of the last century and reissue
Will be made up out of the box with no additives or fuss.
painted Gunze-C & Valleyo.


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13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Nice, simple kits, and still seen at shows from time to time. A good entry level that many modellers will recall.

  2. Nicely done, sir...something I wouldn't attempt, however. 🙂

  3. said on March 31, 2015

    Great work, P.K.!

    But I wouldn´t use those figures... I have that same kit in my stash and I am sure that the scale of the ship doesn´t correspond to that of the figures. They look way too small, or the ship way too big. I am pretty sure that figures are OK but the true scale of Revell's Santa Maria is NOT 1:90 but something about 1:75, 1:72, maybe 1:70 or even 1:65... Columbus' ships were small nutshells, but with those figures on deck the Santa Maria looks like a transatlantic.

    If I eventually build it I suppose I will modify some 1:72 figures, then pray to get a final result half as good as yours.

  4. PK, nice work all around, and especially on the figures. I started one years ago, got the hull together, and it has languished ever since.
    I started out on Revell ships, then went into aircraft, stuck with them. I do look at tanks and figures every now and then.
    Good to see this again.
    Is it Heller that had the Nina and the Pinta?

  5. PK,
    I am indeed impressed. Excellent job. I really like it.

  6. Nice clean job, it looks great!

  7. Great build, well done !

  8. Profile Photo
    P.k said on April 3, 2015

    With regard to the criteria and the crew was such a desire buyer.
    This is after 30 years my third ship but not my domain to make navy,
    Normal Navy in my domain aviation .
    But it was a challenge for many years to make the boat from such basics.
    has a customer and a buyer last word.
    possible over the year again what the ship but now back to the aircraft.
    Thanks for the compliments.

    • PK, you do well at whatever you do. Sailing ships are such a draw, I always wanted to do a clipper, like Cutty Sark, but haven't, so far.
      They make a nice decoration, like the old Revell spanish Galleon. I saw one built up in a hobby shop years ago. Shoulda bought the kit!
      That and any Viking ship. The old Aurora one is back, again. When I was in elementary school, one of my friends Father built it. I was enthralled.

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