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Bill Koppos
122 articles

Special Hobby 1/32 Fiat G-50

November 7, 2013 · in Aviation · · 15 · 4.1K

Here it is, SH's newest big scale offering, Fiat's first monoplane. Some may say it is,ah, lacking in pulchritude (how about THAT one?) but it grew on me as I built it and now I think she is bellissimo. Not too hard a build, the tough part being the engine/cowling installation, due to less than positive mounting arrangements. Other than adding pushrods and wiring to the engine, and brake lines, it's done using all kit parts. The spots before your eyes are all Model master mixes. The markings represent 150 Squadriglia, 2 Gruppo, the first G-50 unit sent to the Libyan desert in late 1940. For you who like more Northern climes, a Finnish version is available. Ciao!

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Great work, really like the paint job and the overall finish is spot on.

  2. Nice job on that camo and panel lines. So...seein's how there's no canopy (sort of an open cockpit), it looks as if the pilot literally chained himself in..? I like the detail work you've done.

  3. No matter what type of what form of vehicular means the Italians develope, past, current & hopefully future most of them are more than a little attractive.
    To me this aircraft falls into that realm & you have presented it in all it's glory.
    Great work, both the clean build & the camo finish.

  4. now if they only did a Macci 202. That fiat is something, I like the curves but then I am a s****r for curvy Italian girls and cars and planes and ships and girls...

    • Yep, the 202 has my vote as best-looking WW2 fighter. As a matter of fact, the same basic folks did the Pacific Coast 1/32 C202, unfortunately this was a flawed creature, the nose area being pretty bad and the spinner too small. I have it half built somewhere, sometime...

  5. Great work, Bill. As a fan of the 1/48 Special Hobby offerings I feel your angst. Do love that Italian machinery.

  6. Planes,, cars, motorbikes, food, wine and girls, why wasn't I an Italian? It's great, Bill, different and really stylish, and you've done it proud. Maybe there is some Italian in you!

  7. A nice build there Bill.
    The paintwork as Mark said above is "Spot on"
    No pun intended, done yourself proud there.

  8. Very nice, love the finish.

  9. Bill,
    I love the model, I love the scheme and finish, and I love the "word". It's kind of like talking about some British a/c. "So ugly they are beautiful".
    Excellent work you did on this.

  10. Really nice Mr. Koppos. I do have to say that of all the Italian fighters, this one has the least-beautiful lines, but you have brought out the "inner beauty."

  11. What a different looking model aircraft. I had a Fiat once but yours sure looks better than mine! Great paint work, it brings out the real purpose of the prototype, an aerial "brawler". Nice job!

  12. Thank you much gents. "Spot on", I love it.

  13. Very nice model Bill 🙂

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