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Robert Royes
257 articles

FUJI T-1A and Sabreish aircraft,1/72

September 7, 2016 · in Aviation · · 13 · 1.9K

Here are some simple builds from a simple modeler . I built these intending to show aircraft with Sabre like lines.First off is Hasegawa's Fuji T-1A JSDAF trainer, Japan's first aircraft built after WW 2, I can't tell you how long this sat around. Second is Emhar's -4, a rather crude model,. Third is Airfix's Sabredog, a real gem of a kit. I took liberties with weapon load. The last shot is for comparison purposes. I guess I should add a F-86E and Fiat GR91 to round things out. The FJ1 by Siga in the back round was previously posted.

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13 responses

  1. Bob, great theme collection! I'd have missed the T-2, myself. One I don't see built much, either. Nice Sabre family, I think the "L" version of the Sabre Dog had Sidewinders, in addition to the cannon, that replaced the drawer of rockets. How about the Sabre H, and the Australian Sabre? I've never seen the latter, though I vaguely recall a conversion kit from Ventura?

  2. Nice collection, Robert...were the display stands included or did you make 'em? I remember when most all models had stands in the box.

    • The three taller ones are allen head bolts imbedded in a piece of oak floor board, with a matching threaded nut epoxied to the model. the shorter one is from monograms F7F kit.

  3. Nice collection! I've build the Emhar kit (agree - what a dog of a kit, but the only FJ-4 in that scale that I know of), and bought the FJ-1 after you posted your build earlier! I think I have the T-2 in my stash, but don't have a SabreDog - though I want one! I do have a built Hasegawa F-86 - pretty nice kit with nice engraved lines, but I built years ago before I took the time to fill seams, pick out panel lines, etc. I've also got a GR91 in the stash - maybe we can poke each other into a buddy build sometime soon...!

  4. Bob, the old man meant to say T-1, not 2, which is a different aircraft and manufacturer. Apologies, now that I'm conscious again.

    Great idea with the stands! Back at the dawn of polystyrene, kit manufacturers used to give you stands, and pilots. A couple of them now will sell you a stand, like Airfix, and I think Zvesda- pilots, not so many.

    An anecdote about pilots- at one of our shows, there was a well done Tomcat, on a deck section, hooked up to the cat, all ready to launch- with nobody in the cockpit. Lot of head scratching on that one...

  5. Planes on a pole, what's not to like. And as a kid I do remember many kits provided you with a display stand. Anyway I like the view.

  6. Great collection, Robert, what's not to like, I remember when all Airfix plane kits came with a transparent stand.

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