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Robert Royes
257 articles

Ryan STM S2 Dutch seaplane

January 20, 2017 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.1K

While researching for the water wings group build I happened upon this video, hope you like it.

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6 responses

  1. Bob, great film! Just a pretty little airplane! Thanks for finding and posting this! Finally, I can see that insignia are on the top and bottom of the wings.
    According to this article I saw years ago- Wings or Airpower(?) the S stands for Soerabaya, which was where this was going to be based.
    Wondering if this was taken there, or was a factory shot wherever Ryan was, in those days.

  2. I believe this was the prototype and was taken at San Diego Calif.

  3. Fun to see aerobatics from something with pontoons hanging off of it!

  4. Shame what happened to the pore thangs in Java and other Indies places. Cool video thanks for the look.

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