3 articles · 350 karma · 5 friends · active 4 years, 4 months ago
Hay all,
here you see my first attempt on a diorama.
Also my first 4 engine plane, foto etch, resin model, new tecnics, ...
The idee about this diorama came from a fellow modeller from the club we are in when i was building the plane.
So [...]
Hello all,
here is my truck from IBG models with accessories set from black dog.
I made it a USAF version off it, its something diffrent.
The paint i used for the chassie was mat black XF-1 from tamiya en the truck it self is from ammo mig [...]
Hey all,
This is my first post on this forum.
This is a airfix kit, re-supply kit.
First time I built a truck.
Paints I used are Revell, Tamiya and lifecolor.
Decals are from ArticDecals, really good decals.
Went a bit out of my confort [...]