1 articles · 120 karma · 1 friends · active 10 months, 4 weeks ago

I've built models of one kind or another since I was six years old. My first kit was Aurora's Batmobile. I built armor and aircraft through my teen years. In my 20's I got hooked on R/C airplanes. Now I'm back spending my few hours of free time on the weekends building scale plastic aircraft models and enjoying every minute of it!
I am a Mechanical Engineer with experience using SolidWorks. I live in Manchester, New Hampshire, USA with my wife Chris.

1/48 Hobby Boss EMB-314

This is my latest project. It's the 1/48 HobbyBoss EMB-314 Super Tucano. I plan to do a straight OOB build. It's my first time using photo etch, and I have to say it's not my favorite material to work with. It was a step outside my [...]