3 articles · 301 karma · 3 friends · active 11 years, 4 months ago

An airplane guy...

HK Models 1/32 B-17Gthe Big one!

So far so good - but time consuming to pick out all those parts and paint individually. Hopefully some of the work is seen after I close up the fuselage!

Koga’s Zero

"ONE OF THE GREATEST PRIZES OF THE PACIFIC WAR." As part of the greater battle of Midway, this Zero flew from the Ryujo and took part in a raid on Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians. The Zero was damaged in that raid and made a [...]

1/48 F4U-4 Corsair (Tamiya + CMK)

Hello, This was my fist attempt at a major conversion to get a nice looking F4U-4 in 1/48. It was not an easy conversion as some of the CMK resin shrank but eventually, with a little work and some Ultracast flaps, it all came together. [...]