30 articles · 3.3K karma · 9 friends · active 15 hours, 58 minutes ago

I model 1/72 almost exclusively. I focus on the Interwar period and don't build outside it. I especially love biplanes but they do cause me to curse quite a bit. However, the end result is worth it. I hate unrigged biplane models though - they aren't finished.

Fighters over the Aegean

Acknowledgements Once again sincere thanks are due to Özkan Türker who was unstinting in his help with this project. He even kindly supplied me with a photo of my chosen aircraft. Introduction I've always liked the PZL series of gull [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 E7K1 with added catapult

Background The Kawanishi E7K grew out of an Imperial Japanese Navy requirement for a replacement for the Kawanishi E5K observation seaplane. The Kawanishi Type 94 was the result (the designation E7K1 was a later application). Kawanishi [...]

Turkish Bomber

First of all thanks to Tolga Ülgür who introduced me to Özkan Türker who was an invaluable help with this project. Without Özkan's help I couldn't have achieved the standard of accuracy I desired. There's not a lot of information [...]

A ha'porth of tar

The title comes from the saying 'spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar' which sums this kit up very well. Some magnificent detail and high quality molding let down by poor attention to accuracy and what can only be described as general [...]

Romanian Fighter

After all the hassle of complex conversions and difficult kits I felt I'd earned an easy build. Looking around I saw that IBG had released an early P.11B which fitted the bill perfectly. I like IBG kits - they go together easily and are [...]

Norwegian Trainer

This little model came about via a series of freebies from very kind friends. One of my Norwegian friends gifted me the decals and the kit and an American friend the SBS accessories. The Norwegian Air Force ordered the Tiger Moth to [...]

Army CooperationRomanian Style

Introduction The IAR-37 was intended to replace the Potez 25s used by the Royal Romanian Air Force which were getting a bit long in the tooth. The design concept was similar and the rigging pattern basically the same but the aircraft was [...]

The First B-2

History The B-2 Spirit is actually the second aircraft to bear the designation; the first was a Curtiss interwar biplane bomber which entered service in 1929. The name Condor, though, was a Curtiss creation, the USAAC always referred to [...]

Correcting the Azur Vickers Vincent

In 2011 the Special Hobby/Azur group introduced a series of injection molded kits covering the Vickers Vildebeest and its associated variants. This was exciting news as previous kits had been the Contrail vacform and a couple of resin [...]

Higher and higher

Interwar aviation wasn't just biplanes and silver wings. A lot of valuable research took place under the guise of competition. Aviation was new; it was a prestige activity and the boost to national morale and pride of an aviation success [...]