One of my colleagues once said "I like models with a lot of detail per square centimeter" – I like this quote very much. I have started my adventure with plastic models many years ago, gradually changing the scale in aviation – starting with 1/48 (you know, big is beautiful ) then moving to 1/72 (who hasn't?) and now I am enjoying 1/144. With ships I am staying with 1/350 and 1/400.
My favourite model ship – SMS Elster, shown as on ca. 1901 – a small torpedo boat made using Schichau design for Austro-Hungarian Navy.
It was my first full-resin multimedia kit built some time ago. I have updated it with some [...]
This is my first "proper" build nearly 10 years ago after longer break from modelling. I chose 1/400 scale V106 torpedo boat kit from the Polish Mirage Hobby range. In addition I used dedicated Mirage PE set 008-40028 plus some [...]
Today I would like to present my newest model - U1407 in its mid-1945 guise. It was commissioned into Kriegsmarine in April 1945 and used for the training, hence the yellow band on the kiosque.
The kit parts are quite accurate in terms of [...]
This is a Uboat type IIc – U60 – in its late 1940 guise. I have extensively reshaped and modified kiosque and the bow shape of the hull supplied in Mirage's kit. PE deck and limber holes came from Mirage's dedicated set no.00540025. [...]
Last weekend we have spent in sunny Czech Republic attending the bi-annual Modell Brno event as a Shelf Oddity team. Organized by Eduard gathered a vast quantity of small scale models and modellers from many countries. Beside the [...]
Again, one of my older models - this time a B-123 – proj. 705K Lira (NATO: Alfa) – class submarine. It shows the sub in her 1990 guise. Building process was quite long (ca. 5 months) and although the shape of Maquette kit is fairly [...]
Hello again,
I would like to present a few pics of one of my older models – a Siskin from Matchbox. A few details were scratchbuilt and the rigging was made from a black stockings (nylon thread). Kit was painted using GunzeSangyo Super [...]
One of my older models represents JB-2 Loon, #902 belonging to the newly formed USAF, Alamogordo proving grounds (later Holloman AFB), New Mexico ca.1948.
The launcher with RATO bottles, front propeller, finer surface details and engine [...]
This is my rendition of the early Vulcan B2 XH556 depicted as in No.230 OCU Finningley, ca 1962. The Pit-Road/GWH kit and excellent Fundekals decal set inspired me to tackle the Vulcan subject. To portray the early B2 airframe the kit had [...]