3 articles · 206 karma · 1 friends · active 12 years, 1 month ago
Here is my rendition of Leutnant Heindel's Messerschmitt Bf109E-4B
of Stab II/Jadgeschwader 54
based in Arad, Romania during March 1941.
The 1/32 CyberHobby kit was built out of the box, and I added the aerial and used the excellent Hussar [...]
Here is my rendition of a Legion Condor Messerschmitt Bf109E1 using the Eduard 1/32 kit. This is the aircraft of Uffz. Heinrich Windemuth, who was the last member of Jadggruppe88 KIA in Spain. He was shot down on February 6th, 1939 while [...]
Here are a few snaps of my latest completion, the old, but very good, 1/32 Hasegawa kit painted as the 4th section leader of VF-6's aircraft.
I worked on this model on-and-off (mostly off) over the past 3 years and 9 months, and in that [...]