21 articles · 2.7K karma · 15 friends · active 17 hours, 20 minutes ago
It's been a while, but my build output has been very slow of late. I had heard many good things about the Eduard 109 series, and had the Delta One "American G-6s" decal sheet in my collection for a while now, so it seemed like a [...]
When this kit was announced I was very pleased - not only is it a subject I have been wanting in 1/48 scale, but it was being made by one of my favorite manufacturers! Fine Molds has a small catalog, and they are definitely a niche [...]
After finishing my last diorama depicting a jungle scene, I decided to go for something from the other side of the globe. So here is my little snow scene with a Stuka, and a crewman pondering whether he will be flying today...
The Stuka [...]
Just finished this one as a pretty quick build. Great kit - I really enjoy building FM stuff. Just wish they would make more kits

I build the FM Ki-10 "Perry" some time back, and this kit was just as enjoyable of a [...]
After a bit of a hiatus from posting, here is my latest.
I tried to depict a scene somewhere in the SW Pacific, late in the War, with Aussie Spitfires constantly on patrol conducting low-level strafing and bombing sorties. Here a Spit has [...]
Much earlier, I posted my first armor build - a Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer. I am an aircraft guy, but after building that kit, I became interested in doing a few more from the series. Here is my 2nd armor build - a Tamiya 1/48 Sherman [...]
It's been quite a while since I posted anything on here, but I have attempted to do some modeling!
this is Tamiya's 1/72 Mosquito. I modified the landing gear to the raised position (closed the doors, blended them in and rescribed the [...]
Mid 1943 – a lone Corsair pilot has chased an unidentified aircraft into a cloud, and is now frantically searching for it. It is a fellow Naval Aviator? Is it an enemy aircraft? Or maybe just his own shadow?
“I Can’t Identify that [...]
I was the very lucky recipient of the random selection award for February... and now I have a brand new Airfix 1/48 Spit Mark V in my possession. I'm hoping to do it in a Malta scheme at some point, and am very much looking forward to [...]
This is another older build of mine - an absolute pleasure of a kit to build. If you are looking for a beginner's biplane, give this one a try. Moldings are crisp, and fit is superb. I used a little Mr Surfacer to fill in a few of the [...]