6 articles · 540 karma · 3 friends · active 2 weeks, 3 days ago

A few words about me, as an introduction to my membership 😉
I'm a 59y old Belgian, Captain in the Merchant Marine, living close to Brussels (when not at sea).
My hobbies are multiple, ranging from plastic modelling to reading (history books mostly), visiting old fortresses (fan of the Maginot line), museums or historical sites, cooking, travelling etc...
I started assembling plastic kits at the age of 8, my first one being a Revell Polikarpov I-16. After a 10y stop in the 90's, I returned to the hobby with an even more powerful approach and quickly build up a stock trespassing any reasonable limits.
My interests are quite varied. Mostly airplanes but not limited to: French of 1940, RAF Bomber Command, USAF bombers, small air forces, lesser-known types, old box-scale kits from the 50's-60's, 1/72 armour, some ships as well...
Glad to join the community guys, hope to have a lot of good modelling talks here!


Morane Saulnier MS 406Heller 1/72

A few more MS 406's, completed 14y ago and based on vintage Heller kits. A three-planes flight was standard in the French Armée de l'Air of 1940 and called a "Patrouille simple". The amount of work and corrections needed to make [...]

Morane Saulnier MS 226

Another Heller oldie, the Morane 226. A conversion made 16 years ago already, from a MS 225 kit. A lot of job to correct some of the kit big issues, besides the conversion. The main points to be addressed are: Fuselage width to be [...]

Bloch 152 - Heller 1/72

One of the first Heller kits in the "Musée" range, issued in 1965. Quite crude and requiring a lot of corrective work to achieve a decent result. This one was done some 14y ago, before the much better kits from RS and Dora Wings [...]

Two old Revell box-scale kits

The vintage Revell B-47 and P6M box-scale kits, assembled as desk models. Simple builds, I only corrected some small shape issues (on the jet nacelles of the B-47) and struggled to make some parts fit. Just to show that old kits, these are [...]

Curtiss Hawk P-36Revell 1/72

Here is my vintage Revell Curtiss Hawk, upgraded and corrected. The kit is still excellent if a few easy corrections are made: Fuselage top width (aft of the cockpit) to be increased abt 2mm with plastic strips, 1mm between the cowling [...]

Morane Saulnier MS 406Hasegawa 1/72

Hi, Here is one of my Morane Saulnier MS406. Hasegawa kit, updated or corrected where necessary. Cockpit mostly from a Pavla resin set, Falcon canopy. Landing flaps made from scratch. Camouflage is a mix of acrylics (Lifecolor) and enamels [...]