2 articles · 300 karma · 2 friends · active 3 years, 12 months ago

26 y.o. modeler from Sydney.
For the majority of my modelling history i build 1/72 aircraft.
Right now i'm focusing on 1/700 ships, recently i finished the Asashio, and i got two more in the stash: Flyhawk's Prince of Wales, Tamiya's Saratoga. I'm a full time programmer so it might take months before i finish them, but i look forward to build them and share the result with fellow modelers.

1/700 H.M.S. Prince of Wales

This build took 4 month, spending about 5 hours a week. It became quite a terrifying experience towards the end, because I know if I were to make a mistake or an accident, it would deny months of effort, I’m just glad I made it to the [...]

1/700 IJN Destroyer Asashio

Hello fellow modelers, This is the IJN Destroyer Asashio, my 5th attempt at 1/700 scale modelling. My first three 1/700 builds were just straight out of the box build, then I discovered the wonderful world of aftermarket super detailed PE [...]