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Alex Kuo
2 articles

1/700 H.M.S. Prince of Wales

October 2, 2019 · in Ships · · 22 · 3.5K

This build took 4 month, spending about 5 hours a week. It became quite a terrifying experience towards the end, because I know if I were to make a mistake or an accident, it would deny months of effort, I'm just glad I made it to the end unscathed.

About this build:
This kit is the 1941 May Prince of Wales deluxe version from flyhawk, I can't say enough good things about this kit. With only 3 sheets of PE (40% are railings), the moulded details are stunning.

One thing I'm happy with is my DIY ship crest, it took several attempts but it did bring the model to life in my opinion.

One difficult part of this build was trying to find reference for rigging. All historic photos I found was blurry or unclear, I had to combine several sources including looking at how other modeller tackled this issue. In the end, I added a little of my own judgement of what makes sense and improvised, so it's probably not historically accurate.

Talking about other modellers, I used wepman3 (a Korean blogger)'s 1/350 prince of wales as reference extensively. I could say it's the best PoW model I ever seen, each detail are made to perfection. So, if anyone is building a PoW or interested you should definitely take a look. Here's his blog's link

Anyway enough rambling hope you enjoy this post!

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10  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Your Prince of Wales is outstanding! His Royal Highness would be proud.


  2. very detail !

  3. Well - from that headline photo I wouldn't have thought 700 scale! Fantastic.

  4. Fabulous work Alex!

  5. You guys who can do this level of work in 1/700 definitely have my respect. Just from the photos, I would have thought it was 1/350. Super work, your effort at the end to not scerweth the poocheth really paid off.

    • Thanks! Yeah towards the end i would constantly put the case on and off to avoid disasters, this level of attension is really required if you don't want bend railings or antennas haha

  6. Excellent PoW! Great detail work. What are you using for a base? Is that acrylic sheet?

  7. Alex, incredible work with this PE. Sorry for the lost parts, I'm sure you never had a carpet before with parts of a battleship in it. Quite unique in its own respect... Well done!

    • Thanks for the complement! I had trouble with my tweezer, small rounded parts would just fly off. Thankfully they are so small, scratch build ones didn't look that much different.

  8. Beautiful job! Finished Flyhawk's HMS Aurora earlier this year and despite being aviation modeller, immediately bought their Bismarck deluxe kit.

    • Thanks! I seen your Aurora it's super well made, believe it or not it was actually after seeing your post i started to research about flyhawk's kit and chose my kit!
      From what i seen the bismarck has way more PE details than the PoW, so good luck and i look forward seeing your work!

  9. Spectacular piece of modeling right there, stuff, yessir!

  10. All of the above, great work !

  11. šŸ™‚ ā€¦ Greetings ā€¦ šŸ™‚ :
    Impressive work Alex, and even more so in this scale, very clean and sharp work.

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