4 articles · 483 karma · 7 friends · active 3 years, 11 months ago

Seafire FR.47 Airfix 1/48

Hello everyone, Its been a while since my last post here. Here is my recently finished Seafire FR.47 with some aftermarket addons (engine and cockpit). I rivetted the model, replaced the canopy (taurus) and did some other improvements. It [...]

Model of the month August’18 (SE.5a)

Hello, iModelers! My award kit for August has arrived yesterday. A big thanks to the jury and iModeler team for selecting my model. Many of the models in August were excellent, and to become a winner in such competition, makes me proud [...]

SE.5a Eduard 1:48

Hello, everyone. Here is my latest project, I was busy with for the last five months. I removed the stitches off the ribs (they were too heavy for my taste) and rescribed the fuselage door behind the cockpit. Wheels, guns, propeller and [...]

Moson Model Show 2018: Sopwith 5F.1 Dolphin

Images created during 2018 Moson Model Show at the iModeler booth. 360-view (experimental): drag picture left or right to rotate.