29 articles · 1K karma · 2 friends · active 4 years, 5 months ago

My name is Ivan Hajník and I live in the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava. I have been doing plastic modeling since I was five years old. At present, I am dedicated exclusively to the construction of airliner models. You can find the results of my work on the Facebook page Dopraváky.sk and on the web https://dopravaky-sk.webnode.sk/.

My current project. Diorama of crashed Airbus A300B4 – 203(F), EI – EAC, Air Contractors (DHL)

This is my latest model under construction. It will be a diorama of a crashed Airbus A 300B4 – 203(F) DHL at M. R. Štefánik Airport Bratislava, Slovakia. The plane crashed on November 16, 2012. I used an old Airfix kit. It was [...]

Airport lamp test 1/144

Airport lamp connection test. It will be function part of the future airport diorama. (link)

Airbus A 320 – 214, OK – HCA, HOLIDAYS CZECH AIRLINES – Prague love you logojet, Revell, 1/144

This is one of my oldest models. It is Airbus A 320 - 214 HOLIDAYS CZECH AIRLINES. It was a Czech Airlines subsidiary that provided charter flights to holiday destinations. Later, Travel Service was established. The aircraft no longer [...]

Airport lamp test 1/144

Airport Lamp Test. It will be part of the future airport diorama. The lamps will be mounted on the airfield. They will be functional. Five pieces of fully functional lamps. They will be powered by AA batteries.

Boeing 737 – 400, Czechoslovak airlines, OK – WGG, Skyline Models, 1/144

Czechoslovak Airlines. After the split of Czechoslovakia, Czech Airlines was established with a base at Václav Havel Airport in Prague. In 1991, Czechoslovak Airlines began to renew its fleet. New Boeing 737-400 were put into operation. [...]

Review: OK-JET Airport Passenger Loading Jetway, 1/144, plastic model kit, Bra.Z. Models

REVIEW: OK - JET AIRPORT PASSENGER LOADING JETWAY (TRIPLE STAGE GLASS TYPE TUBE). I bring you the first review of the OK-JET AIRPORT PASSENGER LOADING JETWAY model kit. PACKAGING: the kit is packed in a cardboard box. The box is solid, so [...]

Boeing 737 – 800 and stairs, Air Explore, OM – HEX, Zvezda, 1/144

One more Boeing 737 - 800 Air Explore with stairs. Boeing 737 - 800 kit is from Zvezda. The stair resin kit is from Northstar models. Stair markings made by GS - obtisky a dekály according to my own design. These models will be part of [...]

Boeing 737 – 800, Air Explore, OM – HEX, Zvezda, 1/144

This is my latest finished model. It is Boeing 737 – 800 from Zvezda kit. Scale 1:144. Air Explore is a Slovak company. They are ACMI specialist. This means that they rent aircraft to other carriers along with the crew. Their fleet [...]

Boeing 737 – 800, Pobeda, VQ – BTD, Revell, 1/144

This is a model that I completed three years ago. It is a model of the most popular airliner, the Boeing 737 – 800. The aircraft has the color of Russian low-cost airlines Pobeda. Pobeda is a subsidiary of Aeroflot Airlines. It connects [...]