8 articles · 0.8K karma · 3 friends · active 1 week, 6 days ago

I have been building around 20 years, I build
aircraft, armor, dioramas. enjoy going to model contest and seeing my modelling friends, Like WWII aircraft, and jets mostly 1/48 and 1/32.

1/32 SBD Dauntless ( Battle of Midway 1942)

Hello , This is my SBD DAUNTLESS from Trumpeter, I used Modelmaster enamels paints. Colors are light gray and Intermediate blue , Cockpit is painted interior green, I used Black Box resin and some aftermarket decals from Cutting edge .Also [...]

1/48 JA-37 Saab Viggen

Just finished my Viggen This is a Tarangus Kit . Very nice, Only added A resin seat from CMK. Painted with Modelmaster paints and did some highlights and and fade also used pencil on panel lines. Please enjoy the photos.

1/48 P-47D “Tony” 5th Emergency Rescue Service ( ERS)

This Aircraft was the P-47D -2-re 42-75855 code 5F-A This aircraft was based at RAF Boxted Essex 1944 The physical rating was 4-F or 5-F, Any aircraft holding this rating was unfit for service . The letters WW (War Weary).aircraft sat [...]

Royal Saudi Air force Tornado IDS (Operation Desert Storm)

Hello, This is the testors Tornado, But it really is Italeri kit. Not to bad of a kit with some work I built it because i like the camouflage colors. I used resin seats and used model master paints. Decals are from the kit, not bad. Used a [...]

1/48 . KFIR C-7 (I.A.F.)

Hello everyone, Just finished the KFIR from AMK in 1/48, The kit went together very nice I added a resin seat from Aries.The model was painted with Modelmaster paints , The 4 tone camo was freehand.with some highlighting with lighter [...]

1/48 MIG-29A FULCRUM 9-12

Here is my latest work, Great Wall kit, the kit went together with NO problems, I used a resin ejection seat but the cockpit was very detailed,I used the kit decals they were a little different decals were flat no shine, used modelmaster [...]

1/48 RF-101B VOODOO

Hello, Just finished up the Monogram kit, I do like some of the 1950s , aircraft. the model was painted with modelmaster paints, and a black box cockpit was added , I used the internet to get some good photos and the help of a good [...]


This Photos are of my recent build , i enjoyed this build. Kit; Kinetics 1/32 Resin; Avionix cockpit Paints ; Alclad 4 different shades Decals; Superscale (old) I used the stars, instead of the plane kill marks Hope you enjoy Kelly.