5 articles · 0.8K karma · 20 friends · active 7 years, 2 months ago

Należę do klubu modelarskiego IPMS Świdnica w Polsce. Co rok bierzemy udział w wielu imprezach modelarskich w Polsce i Europie. Buduję modele samolotów współczesnego lotnictwa bojowego w skali 1/72. Lotnictwo to moja pasja od najmłodszych lat.

F-16C Block 52+REVELL 1/72

The F-16C Block 52 + was built by me in 2009, from a very good Revell set. My task was to add some small elements that are characteristic of the Polish version. The model is in painting and marking from the 31st Tactical Air Base based in [...]

Happy New Year 2018

I wish you all a happy New Year 2018, the next beautiful models in the collection. My collection has been enlarged by the MiG-29 1/72 scale model ... soon I will present the photos of this model ... Happy New Year !

Convair F-102A Delta Dagger

Convair F-102 Delta Dagger, 431 Fighter Interceptor Squadron "Red Devils", Zaragoza, Espana, 1962. I made this model from the Meng 1/72 set in 2014, without any additions, just straight from the box.

Mi-24D Zvezda 1/72

Some time ago, and in 2012, I built the helicopter model Mi-24 from ZVEZDA set in 1/72 scale. Hind always liked me and was foreseen in my plans. When this set came on the market, I knew it was time for the plan. And so began the month-long [...]

Su-24MR Trumpeter 1/72

Su-24MR Trumpeter (no.01672) of Russian Naval Aviation. Model completed this year, built only based on factory kit + Edurd parts + stand for model Coastal kits + Alexminiatures figurines. Painting GUNZE Mr.Color and Hobby Color. Set very [...]