98 articles · 5.1K karma · 2 friends · active 9 years ago
I'm rediscovering the magic of model making, something that has not been a part of my life for nearly three decades!
I can remember the unbridled joy it used to give me as a young lad when, with pocket money in hand, I'd soon find myself of a Saturday morning eagerly scanning the rows and rows of boxes in my local model shop trying to decide which kit to take home with me for that week's enjoyment. Now I want to recapture that excitement and the pride of a kit well made.
Once there was a young rabbit named Bagu. He was both lively and entertaining and spent his days frolicking in the meadows under the warm summer sun.
As the days began to cool and the nights grew chilly, Bagu noticed that he saw less and [...]
Ushering in a new age. For a bit.
Lots of words, not much else.
Built for our club's combined competition group build night thingy. We're contemplating making it a 1/48 Hawk for a similar night next year. Not sure if there's a 1/144 version out there, but if there is, that'll be the year after, no [...]
A little reality, keeps the complacency cobwebs away.
As I mention in the vid, the pics are not quite the quality I would have preferred, but I wanted to get a video out sooner rather than later!
The big guy finally crosses the finish line!
Plus some other stuff and yes, I know, it's a Yak-23, not 28.
No, not that one - the other one!
Was actually built (quite quickly - for me anyway) for our club competition night last December. The theme was Orange. It came first beating a couple of beautiful Bells! An X-1 and a B-212!
It's a beast sure enough - both the kit and the length of this video!