2 articles · 195 karma · 1 friends · active 11 years, 11 months ago

I'm a 16 year old boy who flies gliders in my sparetime. I am currently the youngest pilot in Denmark.
I enjoy modelling in his sparetime, and do complete a few occasionally.

Revell 1:144 737 ”6000th 737” LN-NOL

My recently finished Revell 737 with Braz winglets. Nice kit, but needs adjustments. This is my first airliner, and I think it came out quite well! I used cheap rattle can for the white parts, and Revell 31 for the nose. Enjoy, and feel [...]

Revell 1:48 F-117A

Hello everybody on imodeler! First of all, this is my first post here, and I think this is a nice page! So, here is my recently build. Nice and easy, and it went together quite nice! I used Humbrol paints, and they were airbrushed. I hope [...]