Ich bin am 4.5.1957 geboren, mein Beruf ist Briefträger. Baue schon seit 30 Jahren Modelle und seit 7 Jahren intensive Vorbildgetreue Modelle mt Geschichtlichem Hintergrund. Meine Homepage Adresse: http://www.flieger-hanspeter.ch
Gruss Hanspeter Tschanz aus dem Emmental Schweiz
In use in Switzerland from 1931 to 1944
Flieger Kompanie 2
Kit: Kora Model 1:72
All the best in this time and remains healthy
Hans Peter
Hello, once again have a Messerschmitt 109 which landed in Switzerland emergency and was thoroughly tested but was never in use. This is a fictional painting.
Kit: Trumpeter 1:32
Greetings Hans Peter
The is a Hunter of the Swiss Air Force which was used as a platform for weapons testing.
Kit: Revell 1:32
Greetings Hans Peter
Here is a model of ICM 1:32 watching the Swiss missile from World War II
with red and white identification.
Kind regards
Unfortunately, I made a mistake during the construction of the Me 109 F and fixed it and took new pictures. Kit: 132 Trumpeter
Best Regards
Hans Peter
Papyrus Hunter Mk 58 J-4015 is an Oldi still presented with other Hunter and planes in August in St.Stephan Berner Oberland. (Simmental)
Kit:Revell 1:32
Have built a new model and a Bücker Bü131 Jungmann from ICM 1:32
as Training aircraft of the Swiss Air Force 1936-1972
Best regards Hans Peter Tschanz
Focke - Wulf 190 A-8 from Oberstleutnant Josef "Pips" Priller when he flew over the beach of Normandy with his comrad on the morning of June 6, 1944.Here is the model of Hasegawa 1:32
In memory to the Fighters Pilots, Manfred and Lothar Freiherr von Richthofen.
Jasta 11, Westfront 1918.
Kit: Revell 1:28
Best regards
Hans Peter
From 1973 a systematic analysis of the aircraft market and evaluation of several types took place.
At an early stage, the Federal Council decided to focus the evaluation on one aircraft, the Tiger F-5E.
After thorough testing, the Federal [...]