Ich bin am 4.5.1957 geboren, mein Beruf ist Briefträger. Baue schon seit 30 Jahren Modelle und seit 7 Jahren intensive Vorbildgetreue Modelle mt Geschichtlichem Hintergrund. Meine Homepage Adresse: http://www.flieger-hanspeter.ch
Gruss Hanspeter Tschanz aus dem Emmental Schweiz
The Model T, the most famous Ford of all time, was the first car that was really mass-produced. It is this single model that reinvigorated transportation around the world. Over fifteen million T models were sold in the nineteen years it [...]
As one of the first European countries, the Swiss Air Force was able to test various aircraft in the USA, including the Chance Vought F-8U-1 CRUSADER,
Grumman F-11F-1F SUPERTIGER, Douglas A-4D-2 SKYHAWK
and finally the Lockheed F-104A [...]
This Mirage IIIS J-2302 was used at Holloman Air Base in 1964 as a test aircraft for the Swiss Air Force in order to be able to complete all shooting attempts with rockets, automatic cannons and bombs.
Kit Revell 1:32
Best regards Hans [...]
Hello aviation friends and model builders, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With best regards Hans Peter and Verena
I built some US cars from WWII here.
Willys Jeep Italeri 1:35, Staff Car Dodge WC-56 Italeri, 1 ½ Ton Personnel Carrier Dodge WC-62 Max 1:35, GMC CCKW 353 Heller 1:35, US Army Truck GMC 2/5 Ton 6x6 Italeri 1:35
regards Hans Peter
A toast to the former Royal Air Force pilots who fought for freedom that day.
Best regards
Hans Peter and Verena
August 13, 1940, the Battle of Britain took place, here you can see two Models, a Messerschmitt by Kommodore Adolf Galland and the Spitfire by Pilot Off A.S.C Lumsden Ibsley AB.
Hans Peter
Jean Zumbach's full name was actually Jan Eugeniusz Ludwig Zumbach, he was born on April 14, 1915 in Ursynów Poland.Combat names: Johnny Brown, Kamikaze Brown was a Polish military pilot, entrepreneur, mercenary and commander-in-chief of [...]
Here you can see the Junkers Ju 52 in original photo at the Hahnweide German Airshow and in a model,
and the Ju 52 with livery of the IWC watch Advertising.
Kit: Italeri 1:72
Best regards
Hans Peter
Major Gerhard Barkhorn cannot quite make friends on his first flights with the Focke Wulf 190 D-9, although it is a praised aircraft by all other pilots and fighter pilots. He said that it would have taken about 50 flight hours to master [...]