3 articles · 413 karma · 1 friends · active 2 years, 9 months ago

Retired teacher...
34 years teaching...
Building model kits since 1958.
Stopped from 1979 to 2013 with minor interruptions
Freelance translator English to French
Addicted to blogs
Addicted to genealogy
Don't bother other people with my addiction
Never took any drugs except for minor hypertension...
Great sense of humor if you live in the U.S., or humour elsewhere.

I am trying to reunite with my forgotten hobby if I can get my life organized...

Also a grandfather addicted to his grandchildren more precious than my unbuilt model kits collection.

Bf 109 E

This picture was taken from this Website. (link) Someone told me that the caption is wrong because the camouflage of Bf 109s were changed in August-September 1940 during the Battle of Britain. I have been doing a research on Feldwebel [...]

My first love: Lindberg F-86A Sabre Jet.

This was my first love in 1958. I was 10 years old. This is the box top I remember. I don't have the model kit anymore, but thanks to the Internet I was able to retrieve good old memories. There is an anecdote to this story. In 1958 I had [...]

What's your favorite hobby?

Mine is writing blogs about World War II and some veterans I have met. Before, this was my favorite hobby... Building model kits. Why not combine both hobbies, one from the past with this one? This is why I started writing a blog about my [...]