11 articles · 2.5K karma · 11 friends · active 2 days, 22 hours ago

I started the hobby as a kid, making aircraft and race cars. Recently returned after a long hiatus, I usually only build one or two kits a year due to time constraints.
I model WWII aircraft in 1/48 scale pretty much exclusively, with a particular interest in late war German contraptions.

Eduard’s Zero Type 11

G’day folks, here is an early zero from Eduard. Nice kit but I managed to find a way to make it difficult. Despite exercising due care on the construction of the wheel wells and main wing, I had trouble mating it to the fuselage. I had [...]

Mean looking Warhawk

This is a Hobby 2000 reboxing of Hasegawa’s 1/48 P-40N. Aside from PE belts and resin exhausts, it’s built out of the box. Not the most original scheme, but arguably the meanest looking fighter of the war, so it was a “must have” [...]

P-51D souvenir build

A few years ago I was fortunate enough to have a flight in a P-51 over Moreton Bay in Queensland, Australia. Needless to say, it was an awesome experience. We spent half an hour doing aerobatics and mock strafing runs on yachts in the bay. [...]

Tamiya He-162 Salamander

Here is my latest completed project, my only build for the year sadly, Tamiya’s He-162 in 1/48 scale. It’s a great kit but not one of Tamiya’s best in my opinion. It comes with the option of interchangeable open and closed engine [...]

GasPatch 1/48 Komet

Here is my GasPatch Me-163, finished at last. I started this kit over 18 months ago, but life got a bit hectic. I used my Christmas break to get it finished. The kit is great. It’s very nicely detailed, especially the cockpit, and the [...]

Eduard Butcher Bird

Hello all, here’s my Eduard Fw 190 A-3 in 1/48. It’s from the Royal Class release so it came with some nice resin wheels. It also came with 14 decal options which is obviously not enough so I went with some aftermarket jobbies from [...]

Spitfire Mk V – Operation Starkey

This project was a long time coming as work and family commitments must trump modelling time. Nevertheless, here is my 1/48 Mk V spit from Tamiya, finished at last! Operation Starkey was a ruse, and part of a larger deception plan carried [...]

2 Messerschmitts in original wartime paint

G’day all, it’s been an age since I posted here as life has been in the way of modelling recently. Unfortunately I still don’t have a project to share but I thought some of you might be interested in this. I recently took my son to [...]

Heinkel He 280 in 1/48

This is my Eduard 1/48 He 280 prototype jet fighter. The Heinkel He 280 was the first aircraft designed solely as a fighter to make a jet powered flight. It also has the dubious distinction of being responsible for the first pilot ejection [...]

FW190 D9 Tamiya 1/48

Hello all. Firstly thank you very much for the warm welcome to the site and for your encouraging comments on my first post. This is my second build and also my favourite WWII fighter. It is the first time I have added antenna wire to a [...]