72 articles · 4.7K karma · 50 friends · active 4 months, 2 weeks ago
43 years of age, 36 of which I spent glueing plastic parts together. Living near Vienna, Austria. Military history buff, mainly US since the 20th century.
Built tanks and vehicles exclusively for all but 20 years, got into planes and then ships. And sooner or later will attempt to paint figures without sucking at it. Yeah...
Have been working in advertising and web design my whole career, I recently switched from producing stuff to teaching stuff, training people in the fields of project management and teamwork.
In January 2016 I started working on a new project, with the goal of having it finished by December 7th. Having been a s****r for American military history for most of my life, the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor was all the [...]
Between all the new kit announcements over the last couple of months, one in particular struck my interest. A new company by the name of Thunder Model was about to release their first kit, a Case VAI tractor in 1/35th scale.
I had never [...]