72 articles · 4.7K karma · 50 friends · active 5 months, 2 weeks ago

43 years of age, 36 of which I spent glueing plastic parts together. Living near Vienna, Austria. Military history buff, mainly US since the 20th century.

Built tanks and vehicles exclusively for all but 20 years, got into planes and then ships. And sooner or later will attempt to paint figures without sucking at it. Yeah...

Have been working in advertising and web design my whole career, I recently switched from producing stuff to teaching stuff, training people in the fields of project management and teamwork.

Review: Miniart 1/35 T-54B Early Production – Build Review, Part 1

If you have been an armor modeler for some time, you might have gotten used to certain givens – an abundance of German subjects, a certain lack of soft-skin vehicles, or an ever increasing amount of parts in the box. At least that’s [...]

Filling the gaps – Special Hobby’s 1/48 T-2C Buckeye

I have a confession to make: I think I have a couple of screws loose. That is the only explanation I have for my overarching modeling theme - building a complete collection of US military hardware from the 1920s to present. Well, at least [...]

Airpower 16

Here's some pictures I took at last year's Airpower Austrian air show. This event takes place in the south of Austria, with two days of in-flight and static displays from a bunch of different European countries. Airpower used to happen [...]

Should You Build a Boat?

I am fascinated by ships. Maybe it's because I was born by the seaside, but their size, the smell of paint and fuel, and that peculiar mixture of purposefulness and elegance always did the trick for me. Real ships, that is. Ship models? [...]

From the Hornet’s nest: Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat at Midway

My contribution to the Battle of Midway Group Build - Hobby Boss' 1/48th scale F4F-4 Wildcat in the markings of VF-8 from USS Hornet. Established in September 1941, this squadron played a rather unfortunate role during the battle. During [...]

What’s with that “quick build” thing?

Too long; didn’t read summary: I no longer think I can find satisfaction in quick builds. They can be either quick or satisfying. Never both. Your mileage may vary. Quick build (noun • /kwik bild/) A box of sprues you grab, glue and [...]

Hobby Boss 1/48th F-14A Tomcat

Having been brought up on a healthy diet of “Top Gun” and “The Final Countdown”, the F-14 Tomcat to me is the icon of modern military aircraft. And some time ago I decided to finally start on the Hobby Boss’ rendition of this [...]

Review: Airfix 1/48th P-40B Warhawk Build Review, Part 2

After having had a look at what is in the box in part 1 ((link)), it is time to actually start building this thing. And we all know how this goes, right? You don’t say. Anyway, the cockpit goes together quite well, if you keep in mind [...]

Review: Airfix 1/48th P-40B Warhawk Build Review, Part 1

There have been a couple of attempts at the early P-40 in 48th scale over the years. The old Monogram kit and the Academy one have been around for quite some time. More recent offerings from Trumpeter and Bronco combine state-of-the-art, [...]

A Work in Progress: Hobby Boss USS Arizona in 1/350, part 2

In this installment we will take a look at fixing the casemate deck, painting the hull, and finally adding detail to the main deck. If you are interested in how we got here, you can find part 1 here: (link) After taking a close look at [...]