5 articles · 437 karma · 6 friends · active 12 months ago

I am a figure painter, blogger and owner/creator of The Illustrated Historical Artist (http://figurementors.com/illustrated-historical-artist). I recently made the transition into historical figure painting and I am really enjoying it!


I also like to dabble with fantasy figures but even then I try to achieve realistic effects, one of my favourite aspects of modelling/punting is the creation of extensive scenic bases... What do you think?

European Knight

Progress in this one has been so slow in this infernal heat wave, there are certain elements that I like but overall I’m really struggling to tie this one together and to be happy about it. Who else is losing their mojo in this heat?

King Henri Valois’ Bastard

Hey everyone. So this is the finished bust... it is quite strange really because up until very recently I only painted fantasy, but then I saw something in historical works that really spoke to me. So much so it has driven me to also [...]


Really enjoyed painting these busts but the amount of fur and hair was really tricky! I have some images of the shields too which il post once I can find them. Thanks for looking!

Painting freehand

So this is my attempt at reproducing some heraldry for a knight bust. This belongs the family of Vallois. If anyone is interested I will post pictures of the finished piece once done!