257 articles · 54.2K karma · 57 friends · active 1 day, 15 hours ago

Retired transit worker from NYCT. ,phormer phantom phixer f4j, low tech,low budget modeler. mostly a/c.

Box scale oldies

Here are a pair of box scale oldies I recently completed, the A-5A Vigilante from Monogram and the A-3D Skywarrior from Revell, I tried tweaking both of them with a little detail. I used the kit decals from the A-5 as you can tell from the [...]

The British are coming.

This is another way back. The Ark Royal's Air wing was being hosted at NAS Oceana Virginia in 1975.

C-2 in action

Just liked to share a few photos with you all. I took these shots of the C-2 from Vultures row on board the USS Kennedy back in 1988 during a work up cruise , I was part of a reserve unit then. The C-1 was way back in the before time on [...]

This is the end…

Inspired by photos in a book about Phantoms, sadly this the fate of many an obsolete aircraft. I think they were located at a Marine air station in Hawaii, being used for parts. It started out as esci/ertl kit 1/72 F-4S.


Hasegawa's egg F-4 converted to of course a Navy F-4, of VF-11 and the required Plane captain, I hope I don't bore you guys With F-4's, I've got a few more... Someone ordered snakeyes?

Dad’s survivors

These are kits my father built during his retirement before he passed and returned to Mars in 2012, he had a lot more but I couldn't keep them all. Each one has a little elec. motor in the nose, he installed little leads to run it up by an [...]

T-33 Hasegawa

This my T-33 converted to look like a Navy TV-2 that was at Aviation H.S. in N.Y.C. back in the 1970's. as a mechanic trainer. I took a few naps while in my senior year in the front seat. Decals are from the spares box. Straight out of [...]