11 articles · 1K karma · 2 friends · active 4 weeks ago

The fastest piston-engined hydroplane

Hello, guys. This is my latest project just completed. Macchi M.C.72 established the world speed record (709 km/h) of piston-engined hydroplanes in April,1934. This record has not been beaten until now, and will not be broken in the future [...]

Little Red Bus of Amelia

Hello, guys! It was more than two years ago when I posted last time. I restarted modeling this summer, have just finished the latest project. This particular Lockheed Vega (NR-7952) is a historical aircraft with which the famous female [...]

The Lightning that flashed too late

Hello, guys! The IJN experimental fighter Shin-den (literally, “Magnificent Lightning") made its maiden flight on August 3, 1945, about 10 days before Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces in WW2. Although this aircraft of the [...]

The fastest Arrow

Hello, guys! This is my first post for 2020, though it was actually finished a while ago. Do335 was one of the fastest piston-engined fighters at that time, as its nickname Arrow ("Pfeil") rightly symbolize. The model that I [...]

The last of radial-engined 190s

Hello guys! The Fw190 has long been one of my favorites. It had a vast range of variations, just like its counterpart with a liquid-cooled engine, Bf109. The model I built this time is of A-9, the last of A series. Although it is virtually [...]

Lovely, not "ugly", bird

Hello, guys! I have rarely built post-war aircrafts, civil or military. This is the first post-war Royal Navy bird for me. I never believe the reputation that Fairey Gannet is one of the ugliest planes of the world. Although maybe not [...]

Würger sporting serpents

Hello guys! The brand name Airfix is a part of my memory of youth together with its mold color light blue. I bought quite a few kits of the brand, mainly of Luftwaffe, but none were completed... So, this is virtually the first Airfix that [...]

My first Mossie

Hello guys! This is my first Mosquito, as well as the first RAF aircraft that I ever built. I made it nearly straight from the box, except a few additional details made on the main gear braces and on the canopy. As well known, some canopy [...]

Large-tailed Dora

Hello, guys! The "Dora", or Fw-190 D-9, has been one of my favorite aircrafts. This particular machine ("brown 4") is a bit unusual, but famous, in that it was one of few Doras that were attached with the vertical [...]

“Moskito”, not “Mosquito”

Focke-Wulf Ta 154 was a German counterpart of the famous British Mosquito, so-called "wooden wonder." Although it was designed as a night fighter, this particular aircraft (W. Nr.32003) that I built was used as a twin-engined [...]