10 articles · 0.8K karma · 2 friends · active 2 years, 1 month ago
I'm an avid modern modeler. I do 1/48 modern jet fighters and 1/35 modern battle tanks.
This is my 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18B VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters. Painted with Gunze/Tamiya acrylics. Decals (Twobobs) were used as template and painted all markings except slime lights and stensils. Ejection seats from Blackbox resin, Eduard pe [...]
My year ender build. Its another 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A using Fightertown Decals and using Meng’s US Ordnance for pods.
Happy New Year!
Hello everyone,
This is my 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A in “ambush” splinter scheme. Gunze Mr. Hobby paints and flat clear with MLT used. Gloss coat is with future. Lastly, decals are from Furball Aero-Design decals. Oh and lots of Tamiya [...]
My first model for 2020. 1/48 Hasegawa hornet painted with gunze acrylics and Fightertown Decals. Hope you guys like it.
I chose the Blue splinter scheme for this hornet. Paint used is Gunze acrylics and Fightertown Decals. Hope you like it.
This is my first finished build for the New Year. It’s a Hasegawa Legacy hornet built, primed and painted using mixed Gunze and Tamiya Acrylics. The ordnance are from Eduard Brassin. Decals were from Twobobs. Thanks for watching.
This is the 1/48 Hasegawa 2 seater hornet. I used Gunze Acrylics and Alclad for paints. eduard p.e. And blackbox for cockpit. Decals were mixed Twobobs and Flying Leathernecks.
Just finished my 1/35 Tamiya Merkava 1. Eduard PE, shackles and tow cable were aftermarket sourced. Paint used was Gunze and Tamiya acrylics.
I have another hornet build right here. This time its The World Famous Golden Dragons VFA-192. I have the 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18C painted with gunze acrylics with Alclad for exhaust. Decals were from Twobobs and hasegawa kit cartograf [...]
This is my latest build, 1/48 Hasegawa Legacy Hornet. For this project I used Eduard PE for the cockpit, twobobs decal, MAW resin for the exhaust, Gunze acrylics paint and Alclad for the exhaust. It was an enjoyable build all throughout.