10 articles · 0.8K karma · 2 friends · active 2 years ago

I'm an avid modern modeler. I do 1/48 modern jet fighters and 1/35 modern battle tanks.

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18B VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters

This is my 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18B VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters. Painted with Gunze/Tamiya acrylics. Decals (Twobobs) were used as template and painted all markings except slime lights and stensils. Ejection seats from Blackbox resin, Eduard pe [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A VX-30 Bloodhounds

My year ender build. Its another 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A using Fightertown Decals and using Meng’s US Ordnance for pods. Happy New Year!

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A VFC-12 Fighting Omars

Hello everyone, This is my 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A in “ambush” splinter scheme. Gunze Mr. Hobby paints and flat clear with MLT used. Gloss coat is with future. Lastly, decals are from Furball Aero-Design decals. Oh and lots of Tamiya [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A #35 Desert Splinter

My first model for 2020. 1/48 Hasegawa hornet painted with gunze acrylics and Fightertown Decals. Hope you guys like it. Eric

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A Topgun 46

I chose the Blue splinter scheme for this hornet. Paint used is Gunze acrylics and Fightertown Decals. Hope you like it. Thanks, Eric

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18C VMFA-323 Death Rattlers

This is my first finished build for the New Year. It’s a Hasegawa Legacy hornet built, primed and painted using mixed Gunze and Tamiya Acrylics. The ordnance are from Eduard Brassin. Decals were from Twobobs. Thanks for watching.

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18D VMFA (AW)-225 Vikings

This is the 1/48 Hasegawa 2 seater hornet. I used Gunze Acrylics and Alclad for paints. eduard p.e. And blackbox for cockpit. Decals were mixed Twobobs and Flying Leathernecks.

1/35 Tamiya Merkava

Just finished my 1/35 Tamiya Merkava 1. Eduard PE, shackles and tow cable were aftermarket sourced. Paint used was Gunze and Tamiya acrylics.

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18C VFA-192 Golden Dragons

I have another hornet build right here. This time its The World Famous Golden Dragons VFA-192. I have the 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18C painted with gunze acrylics with Alclad for exhaust. Decals were from Twobobs and hasegawa kit cartograf [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18C VFA-151 Vigilantes

This is my latest build, 1/48 Hasegawa Legacy Hornet. For this project I used Eduard PE for the cockpit, twobobs decal, MAW resin for the exhaust, Gunze acrylics paint and Alclad for the exhaust. It was an enjoyable build all throughout.