15 articles · 1.3K karma · 4 friends · active 3 weeks, 5 days ago

I model aircraft, real space, science fiction, sports cars, and open wheel race cars. The first model I built was the Monogram box scale F-101B when my family lived in St. Louis MO near Lambert Field where the real thing was being test flown. I took up model building in graduate school during the 1970s and continue to this day.

B-25D Tondelayo T1/48th scale, Accurate Miniatures 1/48th scale

The goal of the project was to represent B-25D-1 #41-30669 Tondelayo of the 500th B.S. at Nadzab in June of 1944. My key reference is the excellent history of the 345th Bombardment Group Warpath Across the Pacific by Lawrence J. Hickey. I [...]

P-47D "Sweetie" 1/48th Tamiya, Bombshell Decals

This is my rendition of the P-47D-5 RE PZ-R SN 42-8412 Sweetie flown by Luther Richmon from the 352nd Fighter Group, 487th Fighter Squadron, Bodney England from July 1943 to April 1944. The Tamiya kit is a wonderful build and well [...]

F-8E Crusader Mig Killer June 21, 1966

This is the Hasegawa 1/48th kit of the F-8E Crusader with decals from the Furball, Mig Masters F-8 Crusaders of the Vietnam War. The model depicts aircraft F-8E 150300 Nickel 104 VF-211 (Fighting Checkmates, call sign Nickel aka The Mig [...]

P-51D Cripes a Mighty 3rd June 1944

This is the 1/32 scale Tamiya P-51D built to resemble Preddy's aircraft in late June of 1944. The aircraft had full invasion stripes around the wings and fuselage. I used Eagle Editions EagleCals set EC#100 for the markings and they were [...]

What if? F-20 Tigershark Aggressor Aircraft, 1/48th scale, Freedom model kits.

F-20 Tigershark Aggressor Aircraft, 1/48th scale, Freedom model kits. The Northrop F-20 Tigershark was a transformation of the classic F-5 series into a low-cost export fighter for U. S. allies during the cold war. At this time the F-5 was [...]

Desert Storm F 15C , Hasegawa 1/48th

This is one of my longest builds (years) from start to end. I got the model from my now departed friend Mike Franklin in the mid-1990s and I finished it in 2016. The kit is the classic 1/48th Hasegawa F-15C but before the electronic [...]

Airfix P-51D and the 23rd Fighter Group Yokahama Yardbird

When most people think of the 23rd fighter group they are thinking of the extensive use of the various P-40 types during the campaign in China. Conversely it is thought that the P-51 is an aircraft of the European theaters or escorting [...]

Friendship 7 MA-6. Atomic City Mercury Spacecraft in 1/12 Scale

This is a build of the Atomic City Mercury Spacecraft in 1/12 scale. The escape tower is also included but I wanted to do an in-orbit configuration. The model represents MA-6, Friendship 7 and the first orbital Mercury flight. John [...]

Eduard 1/48 Israeli Air Force Spitfire IX

The aircraft is ex-Czechoslovakian AF and has RAF camouflage scheme. The Phoenix carrying the Spitfire was painted while in Czechoslovakia to provide good fortune for the young pilots ferrying the plane to Israel. The aircraft was [...]

Just arrived, new Airfix Spitfire Mk Vb

For winning the random draw for the last month I received the Airfix Spitfire Mk Vb. Here is the box up on my Spitfire shelf in the study. The molding is excellent and the instructions appear to be CAD generated. Now I need to move the [...]