25 articles · 1.7K karma · 11 friends · active 1 day ago

I’m a modeller since I was child; I live in Milano but I’m always traveling for my job specially in Europe, I’m a robot technician specialized in welding. I like music and motor sport. I like stay outside in the forest

P 51-D Hasegawa 1/48

Ciao ragazzi, here I just finish for friend of mine a P51-D. The kit is Hasegawa in scale 1/48, assembly was quite ok but the decals was a real disaster. Some of the them destroyed immediatly when I put in the water...and I have to paint [...]

Tamiya 1/35 T 34-76 vers chTZ 1943

Ciao, here my last model just finished few days ago. Is a special version of T34-76; I represent the tank early in spring of 1943 with a white wash. My friend Marco gave the commander and this is the results. See you soon Paolo

Vought F4U-1A CorsairTamiya 1/48

Ciao ragazzi, this is my last model. I built this for my friend Nicola. The kit represent the airplane of Lt. Cdr. Roger R. Hedrick. Cockpit and part of the engine are from Aires. Soon a small diorama. See you soon Paolo

StuG IV Academy 1/35

Ciao ragazzi, in this hot summer, at least here in Italia, I'm trying to make something...here my StuG IV from Academy; the kit is basically the old Tamiya kit but..with little bit less quality. Anyway here some pics of the not finish yet [...]

Sdkfz 247 ICM 1/35

Ciao ragazzi, here my last creation; I made this kit from ICM in scale 1/35, in the begging I was scared because I had a bad experience couple of years ago with an ICM kit in 1/48 scale but this lkit is fantastic ! Everything fit [...]


Ciao a tutti, I also had time to finish (almost) my Tamiya Jagdtiger. The kit was very nice and was a pleasure to mount. Hope you like it..when I will able to move out again with more freedom I will make some pics in the wild forest. Stay [...]

Sdkfz 223

Ciao ragazzi, during my convalescence, a small kit just for make the days go by. I started from the Tamiya kit 1/35 DAK and I represent a vehicle of 5th Panzer Division in Europe. During the montage I used some PE from Eduard for this kit. [...]

Hawker Typhoon 1/48

Ciao, here another kit for a friend of mine. Not so complicated kit and a lot of fun… Stay safe Paolo

Arado Ar 196 A-3 Italeri 1/48

Ciao,this is my Arado Ar 196 of 1st Bordflieger Gr. 196 of the battleship Tirpiz. The kit is from Italeri and scale 1/48. was very nice built this kit and I haven't any troubles for the fitting. Happy Easter to everybody and have fun

Nakajima Rufe

Ciao ragazzi, this is my Nakajima Rufe already presented into the group “Pacific theater”. The kit is the old Tamiya 1/48 scale very simple but was very joyful. Stay safe Paolo