1 articles · 155 karma · 1 friends · active 2 years, 3 months ago

My passion for modeling started at 6, when my aunt gave my first model for a christmas gift, ever since, I built (and destroyed) many models, that's the reason why I went into Engineering. I took a 16 years recess when my kids were born, but I took over again 1 year ago with a Mexican "Policia Federal" Dodge Charger which took first place in Detroit's "Motor City Madness 13", What a thrill ! I was sooo proud ! This is not only a hobby, is a school, teaching you to push yourself to perfection always, it's a life style!

Right off the (16 years ago abandoned models) j**k yard.

My last build before a 15 years vacation, my wife rescued it from an old model box in our old house. I was so proud of this build, that I decided to bring it back to life. It is severely damaged, with some parts missing, but full with [...]