1 articles · 1.3K karma · 7 friends · active 1 month, 1 week ago

I began modelling about 45 years ago with airplanes - Faller and Airfix mostly WW2 at that time. I shifted more towards civil airplanes of the propeller-aera and flying-boats.
Most important is just that I "like" what I build.
Busts are my prefered subjects since a few years but still airplanes (airliners SAR and firefighters) and ships mostly civil (SAR).
I like modifying and refining them.

Auerochse 54mm

The Auerochse of Kellerkind-Miniaturen is not yet finished. Just to show a bit of my work. To give the Auerochs it a more realistic look I altered it a bit. Changing the - in my opinion - exaggerated muscles, would have destroyd the [...]