1 articles · 562 karma · 6 friends · active 1 year, 8 months ago

Hello fellow modellers,
since childhood I have a general interest in aviation and military history. Have developed a special interest in WWII Pacific and Cold War. On and off modelling since I was seven years old, when I got a Monogram Spitfire as a birthday present. I admit I have barely enough time to build at least some of the kits in my growing stash.

I´m workin as a federal official for customs administration, done previously military service in the West German Army, almost literally face-to-face with the 'red' troops 30 miles away , who, as it turned out later, were fine guys, too; have a degree in Financial Economics

F-84E Texas ANG in Korea 1951

F-84E-25-RE s/n 51-480, 111th Fighter-Bomber Squadron (136th FBW) Texas Air National Guard The 111th was, like her sister squadrons 182nd and 154th FBS, a federalized ANG unit replacing the 27th FEW during the Korean war in summer 1951. [...]