1535 articles · 33.9K karma · 0 friends · active 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Interesting modeling videos found on Youtube, curated by the iModeler staff

Review: Takon 1/35th Chieftain MBT review

Review: MENG 1/35th Terminator review

Review: Bandai 1/12th Darth Vader

Review: Moebius 1/4105 Battlestar Galactica

Review: Takom 1/35th WWI Mark IV Tadpole

Video: Curtiss BF2C Goshawk 1:24 scale 100% Scratch Built

1:24 Scale. Model Engineering. One-Off Aluminum Model. Truly scratch-built. The custom metal models built by Guillermo Rojas Bazán are considered the best in the world in their category by several institutions of wide international [...]

Video: A6M2 Zero- Scratch Built Metal Model- Part Two

1:15 Scale. Model Engineering. One-Off Aluminum Model. Truly Scratch-Built. The custom metal models built by Guillermo Rojas Bazán are considered the best in the world in their category by several institutions of wide international [...]

Review: Revell's First order Tie Fighter review

Review: Revell Easy kit X wing

Review: Trumpeter 1/72nd Wellington MKIII review