GoT (Game of Tupolev: Tu-22m3)

Started by Aleksandar Sekularac · 60 · 5 years ago
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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    Thank you Dave and Greg, as always your friendly comments are greatly appreciated! 🙂

    Even after somewhat somber mood in the OKB upon sudden decision of the Central Committee to cancel vacation of all involved in this project until it is brought to fruition (refer to previous post by Greg for details), the efforts are now doubled and it certainly looks like the schedule is going to be held.

    After finishing the large exhausts of the Tupolev, the next task is to give same attention to the equally prominent intakes of the jet engines. Trumpeter left here a lot of room for excelling those scratch-building skills. And when I say room I mean gaping holes looking into the void of the rear fuselage.

    Some inventiveness and the unavoidable white sheet of thin styrene, along some photo etched bits, are used to improve internal aerodynamics of the supersonic air ducts.


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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Hello all,

    the work continues with the secondary air inlets that look like the gills on the fuselage flanks and can be opened, or closed. The form of the nine quadratic panels is not correct in the kit, plus they are half-heartedly depicted in quasi-opened position, which is on one side wrong for the parked aircraft and on the other looks completely unconvincing. So, they had to go. To replace them with photo-etched parts some tricky surgery was needed. Here’s how I went about it… also, there are few satisfying shots of the main fuselage coming together...

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    I really like the attention to detail, and how you are making the efforts to build this correctly. Each and every little improvement you have done so far will look even better once painted.

    and they look great now ! I am particularly impressed with the exhaust nozzles ... amazing indeed !

    Well done my friend. Looking forward to seeing the next installment.

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    Richard Mcstay said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    This is a really inspiring build! It's really impressive seeing so much care and attention to detail going into it!

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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Many thanks! Details is where the devil is, or so they say. I still haven't found him, though! As for the exhaust nozzles, I must say I am really happy how they turned out. Together with the cockpit they are my favorite bit so far...


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    Richard Mcstay said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Yeah, the cockpit is amazing! I would have definitely needed a few beers to help get through the nozzles mind!

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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    To use the memorable and insightful words of General Melchett: “now, then, now, then, now, now then, now…” Here are some forgotten bits I did, but didn’t show, before the rear fuselage was closed and also some bad joints that will be needing persuasion to align… Finally, the last one I would name: The size MATTERS!


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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Hello again,

    The fuselage of this beast has a lot of surface and all of it requires attention. Here are some of the bad seams now repaired, smoothened and re-riveted. Work began on the wings as well. As with the fuselage, the question is just how closely one wants to look and how much is one prepared to ignore... Note for example how the missile rack doesn't follow the lower curvature of the wing surface. I had to triple-check if it wasn't the part of another kit, or if didn't switch sides by mistake, but no... I had to fashion this matching curvature myself.



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    Greg Kittinger said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Looking beautiful!

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    David Hansen said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Yeah the fit in places on that model looked rather horrific. Glad you managed to beat that thing into shape.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Aleks, I swear if I ever need any surgery you are the man for the job. That’s some beautiful precision work. The very best builds are a hydrid of that pure attention to detail and artistic ability and you have both without doubt. I’d love to have your patience and will to work on a model to this level of focus - this is an inspiration and an aspiration.

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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Thanks a lot friends, I really appreciate it! 🙂

    David, I am known for saying that we engineers can fix almost anything. I regulate my mechanical watches and trim my own hair and beard. If there is some online tutorial for your condition, I will be glad to fix ya too. 😉 Here's a thing: couple of years back my old iMac died, so I do a bit of research, open it up, first time in my life, take everything apart, find the graphics card and place it in my kitchen oven for 8 minutes on 200°C . Put it back together and turn it back on - that machine still runs to this day. True story, I even have the pics to back it up! The point being, we can do much more than what they tell us!

    Anyhow, you are right, it's all about the patience. Patience needs to be trained and built-up. It is a magical property - nothing can replace it, but it can improve almost anything. You can never have enough of it and you can use it for anything in life. Oh, I'm just ramblin' now...

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Aleks, if every person on the planet read this post, the world would be a better place.


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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Here's another update with some work on flaps and wings. Inner flaps needed a lot of work, as the whole front section that is hidden in the wing when the flaps are retracted had to be scratch-built. Just understanding how the whole thing works from the photos was a feat. Outer flaps are thankfully separate in the kit, but again oversimplified. Static dischargers, quite prominent on all flying surfaces of this aircraft were also modeled, as well as the wing-tip position lights. Finally I fashioned fixed joints inside the inner wings that will allow me to attach the outer sections in the end, after painting and weathering...

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    ...well, let me take over with photos if I may. As far as I am aware there is no upper limit on pictures, but I just wanted to share some of my ‘research’ (lazing around on the sofa looking at photos of planes) that I’ve been conducting.

    She’s an impressive piece of amazing machinery, Alex. I can see what drew you to build her on such exacting detail.