GWH 1/48th P-61 Black Widow "Nocturnal Nemesis" Build

Started by Walt · 104 · 2 years ago · 1/48, Great Wall Hobby, GWH, Nocturnal Nemesis, P-61
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    Walt said 3 years ago:

    Started Masking the canopy. I am using the Eduard masks that I got with the kit. They are really good! The fit is excellent so far, and also the adhesive really seems to draw the mask down nicely. I am also using Kapton tape for the first time. Thanks David, @davids_models, this tape is really pretty remarkable. I found it perfect for covering the large areas and spanning gaps. It works better than anything else I have used for grabbing onto a fine little edge and sticking, while being remarkably easy to trim with a sharp knife.

    I also glued my weighted nose on and found that while it looked like a lot of weight, it worked out to be just about perfect. The CG is just forward of the main gear now, by about a 1/4" which puts enough weight on the nose gear but really not as much as I expected. Putting the weight where the directions say would have resulted in a much heavier model overall.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Love the transparencies masking, Walt!
    And great news regarding the weight: just enough!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Precise masking, Walt.
    It will make the canopy look very nice.
    And indeed good news on the weight.

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    Eric Berg said 3 years ago:

    Do you think adjusting the weight as you did will lessen the possibility of the nose gear bending or sagging that you were concerned about?

    I just started experimenting with Kapton tape and I agree it really is great for large areas. I like the fact that it is transparent which makes it easier to see where you are cutting but I find it doesn't "stretch" in tight spots like "kabuki" tape does and sometimes the edges tend to lift after multiple repositioning. I'm not 100% sold on Kapton yet, so I'm not ready to ditch the same stuff Eduard makes their masks out of.

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    Walt said 3 years ago:

    Well its Friday night on a long weekend. Lots to do around the house, yard and in the garage, but she is ready to paint. I have masked off the areas to protect except the engines. I chose not to show the wing spoilers deployed so instead of using the photo-etch I made the wing fillers out of plastic sheet. The True Details prop looks pretty good, but was a pain. The center hole for the prop was actually the pour plug, so it had to be drilled out which I used part of the prop assembly from the Monogram kit to help me center the hole I drilled. Most of the blades were distorted so I had to use hot water to straighten them. In the end though they look pretty good.

    I have to say I really like Kapton tape, but it does have all the limitations that Eric, @eb801, mentioned. It has some flex but not as much as the kabuki tape. I like most that you can see through it for trimming and the adhesive is good without being too aggressive. I will continue to purchase masks for cockpit canopies when ever possible, but believe the Kapton tape is a real good tool in my masking tool box.

    I am hoping that with the added wire to stiffen the landing gear and the weight (as Little Red Riding Hood said) "just right" I think my nose gear will be safe. I do know though that for transportation I will have the model supported by it's wings and tail so not to stress the landing gear.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Propellors look correct, Walt.
    Looking forward to the paint result.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years ago:

    Props look great, Walt (@luftwaffe-birdman). It's a shame that the resin props ended up being such a painful experience. I have also gotten some Kapton tape and given it a try. Like you, I still plan to use pre-made masks when available, but the Kapton will be lurking in the tool kit, if needed.

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    Eric Berg said 3 years ago:

    Walt: those True Details props turned out very nice in the end, but after your description of what you went through to fix them, I think I will toss my TD set in the “do not use” box.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Looking great, my friend @luftwaffe-birdman!
    All your effort on the props paid off.

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    Walt said 3 years ago:

    A quick update. I have gotten my basic coats down, and in general pretty happy with it. I had a couple of issues and found one seam that wasn't right even though I was absolutely certain it was perfect! I will post more as I make more progress maybe this weekend.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Looking great, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    No signs of your mentioned issues to be seen from the pictures.

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    Eric Berg said 3 years ago:

    Walt: that's looking real good especially the olive drab. i think you nailed the appropriate weathered look.
    I notice you are using one of those Czech jigs made by JHModels or at least it looks like one. I just ordered one and it should be here any day. What do you think of them? Your's looks new too. It's so spotless..

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Looking great, my friend @luftwaffe-birdman!
    No seams seen from here whatsoever 🙂
    I think I like the Black Widow in OD better!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years ago:

    Olive drab looks great, Walt (@luftwaffe-birdman). I may have to jump on the bandwagon and get a jig to replace my improvised supports.

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    Walt said 3 years ago:

    Eric, @eb801, and George, @gblair, I got the BB-01 by LMG (Laser Model Graver) from the Ukraine. I really like it, it is like a model kit when you get it. The parts are laser cut in a piece of high grade hobby plywood. You pop out the parts, do a light sanding on the sharp edges and it assembles without glue. The parts interlock to make a sturdy structure. You can go back and put Cyano glue but I haven't needed to, it assembles that nicely. It does a really nice job of holding your model for you for assembly and painting. It also helps me avoid the problem of braking off small parts and for making sure of alignment when doing assembly. I really like it and would recommend it to anyone. This was the biggest one he offered and will work for a single engine fighter up to a big four engine bomber in 1/48. I got it on Amazon, but saw it on eBay too.