Messermarine Spitschmitt 109 Mk.Vb FINISHED

Started by Erik Gjørup · 65 · 3 years ago · Bf 109, DB605, Haldværk, Spitfire, Spitfire Mk Vb
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    Klavs Nielsen said 3 years, 9 months ago:

    Well done so far and close to the end my friend @airbum. It's going to be a great and different addition to your 109-collection. Can't wait to see it close up in Højslev.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks George (@gblair), most likely something associated with a 109 one way or another 🙂
    No promises though!
    Thank you Klavs (@klavs1972) - it surely will look a bit odd amongst the 109's. You are most welcome to check it up close and personal 🙂

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    Tom Cleaver said 3 years, 9 months ago:

    I've done the Fusion conversion of the Tamiya kit and it is as you discovered the superior choice.

    Good work here.

    Here's what I did.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    James B Robinson said 3 years, 9 months ago:

    Erik @airbum, sorry I've been away. Just went through the entire WIP to catch back up. This is turning out spectacular! Keep it up.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks. Stay tuned, more to come later on.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 8 months ago:


    Well, not quite finished yet

    • but at least I got the propeller painted as I was airbrushing a few other small items.

      As usual I could not wait for it to dry, and I gave it a once-over of Tamiya matt Acrylic

    It is a bit gloss as a consequence, and will have to be re-visited at a later date. I had to put it in place for a picture though

    And with that I may finally have the time to make this one a priority getting the last details done, wait for the prop to dry properly and give it a new layer of matt. . .

    - stay tuned

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Wow, what a sight, my friend @airbum!
    Looks! Looks! I love it!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    It was great to see you work your way through this difficult conversion, Erik (@airbum). The final article really shows your success in bringing this rare bird to life. Not much left to do. Well done!

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    Greg Kittinger said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    I missed this one - but played catch-up this morning - looks fantastic! Not the usual "Erik 109" fare!

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    Louis Gardner said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Erik, @airbum

    Wow ! 🙂

    You are almost ready to cross the finish line with this one. It looks fantastic and I can't wait to see it posted in the headlines section. This is a remarkable build and one that doesn't look like the typical Spitfire. It's incredible how much the profile of the nose changed by swapping from a standard Rolls Royce V-12, to an inverted DB V-12 engine where the cylinder heads were located much lower, and the crankshaft was on top of the engine.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Well - as could be expected I did not get to varnish the prop etc before getting back to work for a few days. I'll have to re-visit it later when time permits.
    @fiveten, thank you
    @gblair, great to have you along so far, hopes high to get it done soon - at least I have moved it out of the buildbox and placed it in the glasscabinet with some more "nearly there"s
    @gkittinger, better late than never - and you get the compressed version on top of that. Actually the only 109 part is the prop - the rest is Me 110 and Spitfire!
    @lgardner, thanks - apart from the paint it is really transformed by the changed nose.

    I'm relatively certain it will make the finish line before X-mas 🙂

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Getting there?

    The last resin-pieces were prepped today

    The gap in the cowling needs to be filled, and a German pitot is also needed to get this one done

    The exhausts were located a bit deep for my taste, and a piece of evergreen was cut to fit

    With that installed, I think it looks a lot better.

    I have been holding off the pitot till last, as it is a resin part and looks rather fragile.

    Loosely fitted to check – seems OK, and a minor bit of work is needed to get it installed, then paint on these parts, and . . . .

    Next time I hope to present a finished model – stay tuned

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    And it is finished

    Could not resist finishing this one today

    And here it is in all its glory

    No weathering at all. At some point in life it must have been fresh out of the paintshop and with brand-new engine and all.

    If (When?) I re-visit this one it will get a better canopy, perhaps some research will let us know if indeed a german panel was installed. And those exhausts could do with a nicer pair. Perhaps some AM wheels? Oh yes, and maybe, just maybe some weathering will take place then (if?)

    Next I shall wait for some nice weather to get a few pictures in daylight. Thank you for commenting and following this build

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    Louis Gardner said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    This has been an absolute joy to follow as you meticulously showed us how to build a proper Messermarine Spitschmidt. This model would look right at home on any contest table, in any magazine, or any museum collection.

    Well done my friend. I don’t know of anyone who knows as much about these 109’s as you do. In the future if you don’t mind, I may ask your advice about several upcoming builds.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    What a fantastic finish, my friend @airbum , and what a cool looking plane!
    This was an amazing choice of a subject and a joy to having followed the build.
    I loved all the build sequence.
    I wouldn't change anything on it, looks perfect.
    Thanks for having me as a passenger at this, following along a Messemarine build is not something that happens often!