Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6, Hungary V.8 63, Zvezda 1/48

Started by Erik Gjørup · 105 · 2 months ago · 1/48, 109, airbum, Bf109, halfworks, hungary, Messerschmitt, quarterscale, zvezda
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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    Greg (@gkittinger), the H&S fine tip will actually work in 1/72 I think - perhaps a bit of practice is needed, but it will be able to do the job. If you look closely at the dark patches on this one, I actually had a spot of trouble getting it to spray large enough! (I know - distance from the object helps, but I wanted to be able to hit where I aimed) Best of luck with your new toy when it arrives - I do not think you will regret it!

    Spiros (@fiveten) so do I 🙂 actually I had some trouble today with the airbrush, but I think it was due to my suction taking all the heat from the room (we had a few days of frost, and my hose from the suction goes out an open window - chilly!)

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 years ago:

    Also great mottling on this one, Erik.
    I really do like those mottling schemes.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 11 months ago:


    and other numbers and stuff

    While I got impatient waiting for the spares for my airbrush, and the climate still too cold for my paintshop, I went ahead and added the SBSmodel decals. First I had to remove the white gum from the wheel wells. . .

    It took a bit of time, and was rather tiresome, but I got it all out without a lot of trouble.

    The markings went on rather well

    And it looks closer to home by now.

    The larger decals took a bit of time to release from the backing paper, but generally they performed very well. As opposed to the Spanish marks, these were rather thin, and could actually fall in without Micro Sol, but just to be safe, they got one go of the stuff

    The very small decal for the nose was in perfect register – 3 colors and all fit! Remarkable for such a small decal

    next up some stencils and small stuff will be sourced from the spares as the Zvezda ones are pretty useless

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    The decals look great, Erik. @airbum
    One thing that I first noticed after getting back into modelling after many years was that decals have become more and more detailed.
    This makes it possible for us modellers to make our builds even more realistic., like you are showing with this 109.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Looking really nice, my friend @airbum!

    I totally agree with our friend's @johnb comment about the "modern" decals. And, may I add that, even reboxing a totally old/basic kit with an exceptionally good decal sheet, might breathe new life to this kit (as a "simple", nice looking rendition of thje subject it is supposed to represent).

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Thank you my friends. Sadly I got set back by my airbrushes not performing right any more (driver error or sealing needing replacement - time will tell as new gaskets have been ordered). With the lamp position and the gloss the ridge along the spine looks terrible, but hopefully some matt and better light will solve that issue. Shame if it gets ruined by that after the really succesful mottling (at least I think it is very succesful)

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    I don’t know about any issues with your H&S airbrush Eric, but looking at mottle blotches it looks just you just need to thin the paint a bit more to get smooth cloud-like effect on the edges, avoiding that tiny splatter that’s only noticeable when I zoom the image. The rest of the 74/75 paint looks ok from here.
    BTW this one is turning into a beauty!

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Thanks Pedro. I am always looking for constructive input like yours! I still have some way to go regarding thinning, but the issue at hand here was that clear that did not perform like I would have it to. I had bought a new brand that I usually know being enamel, but alas - it was acrylic, and I tried thinning with water - not good. Then IPA, better, but I should have geven the airbrush a thorough clean. I have now set up two brushes on my compressor, the old Badger 150 for acrylic, and then it is the plan to have the H&S as the enamel airbrush. That ought to do the trick - fingers crossed. . . .

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Mottle looks great to me, Erik (@airbum). I am still working up the courage to try such a paint scheme, but that is an adventure for another day. For now, I will live vicariously off your painting skills.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Thank you George (@gblair). All it takes is a bit of practise, followed by more practise and then some more. . . -but one thing that really helps is pure luck with the right (thin) mix and a fine needle in the airbrush, and just a tiny amount of pressure on the compressor.

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    Morne Meyer said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Awesome mottling effect Erik! Can't wait for the end result. Masterclass work as usual!

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    Greg Kittinger said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Paint work looks awesome - My first attempt at it on my G-6 was iffy - the Tamiya paint was much more controllable than the Model Master paints I attempted to use...

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Thank you Morne and Greg. I have been laying low for a few days for various reasons, but now there is some time for modeling comin' up soon. @gkittinger, I like to use xtracolor enamels (and I did stock up before new year - Hannants still will not take the chance of sending parcels to the continent here 1½ month after "brexit"). Hope to get on with this one and a few others soon - thank you for stopping by @mornem and @gkittinger.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 1 month ago:

    Into the light

    After more than 9 months, this one finally gets gloss clear

    Impressive so long it has been since I last had this one on the bench. In preparation for some more stencils and stuff, it got some Humbrol gloss clear

    At least it evens the paint-ridges a bit

    And the thin SBS decals are almost blended in with one layer

    Some orange skin texture present

    But as it is the very first time I tried this waterthinnable product I am rather pleased with the result

    The airbrush cleaned nicely with just water!

    next up some stencils – hopefully not another 9 months away?

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    George Schembri said 3 years, 1 month ago:

    The way this build is looking Eric, I could wait as long as it takes!
    I gotta say that the mottling looks REALLY GOOD!