Summer is over and long dark evenings came... This is perfect time to sit at the desk and finish what I started. And I decided to make a step forward and use salt... Not much modelers use it, but results can be stunning - and I hope that this will be the right effect for my Scooters. 🙂
Two days ago I found out that I did not buy FS 16640, so I was sad I cannot continue quickly. It turned out that this was luck, because I can think over the work enough time and realize what I did, what I have to do and how I have to do it.
So, my conclusions after two days:
1) There is not enough salt - never. Salt more, don't be shy!
2) Use more transparent colors. Work slowly, no rush.
3) Do not cover bottom layer too much. Let the salt effect more visible.
So, I made just walkways on the wing and antiglare stripe in front of cockpit so far to see, how the salt effect works. I realized that I used too much color to cover it. Nevertheless, nothing is lost. I can still get nice result. It is just a matter of more salt 🙂
So, here you can see how far I get and I will add new pictures very soon - we will see if I succeeded.
I have not much experience with salting, but it brings me a lot of experience and encourage me to try it even for models where nobody have ever tried it (as far as I know).
6 attached images. Click to enlarge.