@gkittinger @airbum @pb_legend @gblair @fiveten @johnb
after applying the first coat of varnish, it's time to analyze the imperfections. I found a chip of paint on the engine cover (I have no idea where it came from, it was probably created when removing the masking tapes after painting the chrome exhaust pipe covers). Another thing is the difference in the smoothness of the fuselage surface below the strip of chrome covers in the left side, it sunk while correcting these unfortunate elements (the surface was polished better than other parts of the model I hoped that the paintwork would obliterate these differences, but from a very close distance it is visible. And that's it for today ... I forgot to paint the anti-sun surface - I don't know why. it will also be OK, despite the coat of varnish.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.