Thanks, Louis. It's been a little while since I've posted anything more on this build, a few things have intervened, travelling, food poisoning over Christmas, and, more importantly, deciding on the finish for this model. I decided on a natural metal finish at the start, planning to spray it with Tamiya TS-30 silver from the spray can, which I know gives a nice even shiny finish, then I was going to highlight the panel lines. However, our good friend Louis recently posted an earlier build of a Japanese plane that he had covered with Baremetal foil, which looked a treat. Unfortunately this product is not currently available in China. Then I remembered that a gentleman by the name of Jack Crumbliss posted a couple of articles some time ago (in 2014 actually) praising the use of ordinary kitchen foil. The posts had a bit of a crusading flavour, and as far as I know we haven't heard from him again... Whatever, he used kitchen foil glued on to the model with Microscale Metal Foil Adhesive, which I've managed to obtain. Actual construction of the model is pretty straightforward and I don't need to bore you with details of joining the fuselage halves together, etc, as fit is pretty good.