World of Phantoms – 1/72

Started by Greg Kittinger · 125 · 3 years ago · 1/72, Collection, f-4, Phantom, rhino
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    Greg Kittinger said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    This is going to be a long-running thread - probably several years. Just in the last week, my juices have been jumped to finally make headway on an ambitious project, and having been a part of the conversation over at David's (@dirtylittlefokker) iModeler @ The Movies thread, I realized that if I could also include a camaraderie / support component to this project, it might very well help sustain me to the end zone - or at least farther than I might go if traveling alone!

    So I'm inviting you in for a loooonnnnggg ride, and one that I hope you'll help me with. To wit:

    The F-4 Phantom II is my favorite subject, and I have more Phantom kits in my stash than any other model. My goal has always been to build at least one of every foreign operator of the airframe, as well as a representative sampling of all the US versions. Here is the list from my project spreadsheet showing my current inventory and intended projects (the green lines are already finished projects):

    In addition, I'm still sourcing for the following (some I've already ordered):
    • Greek E / RF-E, in Aegean Blue
    • Egyptian E in Egyptian Ghost scheme
    • Australian E
    • USAF ANG C/D in light grey scheme
    • UK FG.1 / K (RN)
    I'm already committed to an F-4EJ Kai for our clubs 2020 contest theme build (Made In Japan), and I've bought paint for the Israeli and Greek Aegean Ghost subjects. I'm also eager to launch the Egyptian Ghost (but need some help...).

    As soon as I wrap up the Tony I'm working on now, and set up my airbrush to finish the Pe-2, PBJ, and Vindicator that are all primed and masked, I'll pop the lid on the Kai, and possibly the Israeli and Greek Ghost projects. I'd thought I'd use Louis Gardner's (@lgardner) "iron works" assembly process for groups of kits - maybe 3 at a time, then intersperse some other projects in between each group so as not to get stale with Phantoms.

    Got a few questions that I'd like any help you can provide:

    1. For metal, I've been spraying rattle can Model Master Metalizer, but it is fragile to work with, hard to mask, etc. Since I'm cranking up an airbrush for the first time, I'd like some recommendations for a hardy line of metal paints (besides Alclad), with some tips on how to work with them.

    2. I haven't been able to locate anything other than a couple of indistinct pictures of the F-4 in Egyptian Ghost disruptive scheme. If anyone has any research related to the colors used, and even the pattern, I'd love it!

    3. For the Kai bird, I'm doing the Oceanic scheme, and I secured a set of markings and stencils that are dry transfers - first time I've used this type of decal. Has anyone else used dry transfers, and have any tips or warnings?

    That's all for now, other than one last word of warning. I do not have the wit nor creativity to mimic the inimitable David Leigh-Smith! However, if he (and all other like-minded conversationalists/model pundits) show up in spades, this could be a nice long relational ride, no thanks to me! Such is my hope...

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    Robert Royes said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Phantastic project Greg! I'll be watching the smoke trails on this one.

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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Kick the tires, light the fires.. - I'm looking out for the smoketrail too!

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    Michel Verschuere said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Great project Greg! My father built one model in his life and it was a phantom, I still have it somewhere. Following the smoke trail with interest!

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    Aleksandar Sekularac said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Epic! No... Phantastic! And crazy too... 🙂
    As for the question on metal paints, I'd propose Xtreme Metal from AK. They are pre-thinned, like Alclad, easy to spray, hard to get wrong and hard to get off once they dry. Unlike Alclad you can sniff them once without fainting. But they like to have a primer, they do.

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    Ferry Dierckxsens said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Wow, I'll follow you in this one Greg. Absolutely Phabulous, and I like the Phantom too.

    So for the metal paints. My recent experiences with the Metal Color series from Vallejo are just fantastic. Now busy with my third natural metal aircraft using their range of metal colors and getting better using it. You have to use a primer, can be their own in gloss black, but I have used gloss or semi gloss black from Tamiya with equal good results. Like AK pre-thinned, easy to work with, near odorless, extreme fine pigments, it allmost flows on your model.

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    Jeff Bailey said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    It's not original, but I sure like hearing (& seeing) Phabulous Phantoms!

    Looks like a great project, Greg.

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    This is a lifetime project Greg:-) absolutely insane, so how can we not like it? 24 Phantoms in the stash, wow!
    As for the questions, I can only try to help in one those 3- the first one about alternative products to Alclad use. Like Aleksander I would propose Xtreme metal from AK or MRP, also similar to Alclade as how to use but more resistant to handling.

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    Greg Kittinger said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks for the metal paint suggestions gents - sounds like similar utilization, so it may come down to what's easiest for me to get around here, or I may decide based on range of colors each offers. Soon I'll post up a photo of each type/scheme I'm going for and any decals I've secured to get there. Several sets come via post today, and I still have a few more ordered and another I'll probably order tonight. Geeze, I love having an excuse to buy modeling stuff...!

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    Stellan Schroeder Englund said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    I can recommend Vallejo´s metal paints. Easy to use, no smell and you can abuse them pretty hard. Takes washes and whatnot if you will add stains and dirt. Even if you, like some people, hate Vallejo´s other ranges the metal paints are a different animal. No need to dilute or use heavy chemicals for cleaning. Also easy to mix with "normal" paints to make new metal shades.

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    George R Blair Jr said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    The Phantom was a frontline fighter when I arrived at Luke AFB as a 2LT. Luke was the RTU (primary training base) for the F-4 at the time. We had mainly F-4C's at the time, and we were also a training base for foreign operators of the F-104. In 1973, my chance to become an Air Force pilot was still a year in the future, but I did get a chance to fly the F-4 simulator. So, to make a short story long...I may need to move some of my unbuilt F-4's farther up the list to join in your quest. By the way, I thought I was organized, but your database is way above anything I have ever seen. Wow!

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Hey, Greg. Knowing one or two things about loooooong build logs, I heartily endorse your project and think it is a top class idea. It’s important to have a longer term goal (as true in life as modeling) that challenges and provides reference points (“oh, yeah, 2021was when I di the Israeli F4...”).

    This is just wonderful...bring it on.

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    George R Blair Jr said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    I wanted to get in the spirit of the project, so I dug out some photos I have of some F-4's. In this group of photos you will see some photos I took of F-4C's while assigned to Luke AFB in 1973 (black & white photos), a restored F-4D (I think it is the Collings Foundation F-4) at Randolph AFB a couple of years ago, an F-4E displayed at the Wings over the Rockies Museum in Denver Colorado, a photo of my 1/72d Fujimi F-4, and lastly, a photo I took in 1974 of the successor to the F-4 at Luke AFB, AZ. I have some more photos I will try to find and add later.

    13 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Greg Kittinger said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    @gblair - George - thanks for the reference pics (can never have too many!), and I'd love to have some company building a Rhino! Let me know if and what you pull out of that garage stash of yours to put on the bench...

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    Ferry Dierckxsens said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Well Greg, I can say that somewhere along the "Rhino-line" I will join you. Two projects in my stash I will bring forward as buddy builds. It will be two German RF-4-E models as flown during two different NATO Tiger Meets. Both as usual for me in 1/72 scale. Details to follow the moment I'll start working on them.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.