This project kind of ran over me, so I thought I would explain how I think that happened. It all had to do with Father's Day... On Saturday I was at Hobby Lobby picking up something I needed, and I always wander by the model aisle to see what's new. My newly-working 16-year-old son was with me, and apparently was enjoying the power of being able to pull out his wallet and actually extract currency from it. Words stumbled out of his mouth I had never heard before, "Dad, if you want a model, I'll buy one for you for Father's Day." Not wanting to miss the opportunity for him to experience the gift of giving, I said "Sure!" and picked up the Academy F-4J I had been eager to add to my stash (I'd heard good things about the Academy Phantom). Additional benefit: I could actually walk in the door say, "No honey, I didn't buy this kit. It was given to me as a gift!"
Come Sunday, my wife and 15-year-old daughter are sitting in Barnes and Nobel, sipping coffee looking at the latest modeling and airplane magazines (me - not they - they had girly things to look at). I'm eagerly reviewing this new Air Power series book on the Phantom, when my daughter says, "Dad, what could I get you for Father's Day?" BAM! Sold!
And thus my long-term project became my new obsession.
I've since ordered a couple more items for reference
I really wanted several old publications I found online of Japanese Phantoms, but they were all out of print and I couldn't find one anywhere - maybe on another day.
I also got drawn down another rabbit hole - into a subject that wasn't high on the build list, until a day or two ago. Reveal tomorrow...