The 1/32 Database at iModeler

1478 articles
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1/32 scale modeling

ICM 1/32 Gloster Gladiator II

A nice kit by ICM. I chose to build the Malta Gladiator "Charity." The fit of parts is good, but the attachment of fuselage halves requires test fitting. The cockpit does not give a realistic impression. Probably, because of the [...]

Revell 1/32 Junkers Ju 88A-4

One of Revell's Luftwaffe giants. Unlike Revell's previous Ju-88A-1, the A-4 with the longer wing span and overall more familiar features makes a better impression. However, the building process is marred by the crude parts resulting with [...]

Build update on 6 1/32 scale AV8BII Harriers commission build for the USMC Blacksheeps

Whew! This is a hell of a project, one that can drive you nuts, especially if the kit is sub par. The way I am tackling it is by doing each section completely for one aircraft and I figure out any issues during assembly of that step. Once [...]

Roland VI.b, Jasta 59, 1918

WNW 1:32 . Tamiya paints and printing ink Aviattic 5 colour lozenge with oil paint weathering Gaspatch and Properplane turnbuckles and wooden finger joint decals Model Kasten rigging Prop:oils over acrylics

Trumpeter F6F-5N Hellcat Night Fighter 1/32

Hellcat, everybody loves it, everybody has one so... I got me one. I saw many examples of this extraordinary fighter plane and many with the fuselage open to see the interior and I was encouraged to do it this way. I decided to work on the [...]

Roland VI.a, Emil Koch, Jasta 32b, 1918 (7 victories)

This is a speculative scheme from trying to interpret old B&W photos but with additional oral information from surviving pilots. WNW 1:32 . Tamiya paints and printing ink Aviattic 4 colour lozenge with clear brown glaze Gaspatch and [...]

It's here!! Trumpeter 1/32 TBD-1

The beeg box from Squadron landed on the front porch here at Le Chateau du Chat an hour ago. Preliminary observation: I was right that it is based on the Great Wall Hobby kit. That's good news. Other than everything is big, nothing looks [...]

Trumpeter Vought F4U-1D Corsair 1/32

Hello everyone. I'm back after a while for this new model. Again it is a Corsair but with markings and paint used by the British in the Pacific theater. The original kit is from Trumpeter which comes with good details and gave almost no [...]

Review: At last, a large scale TBDTrumpeter 1/32 Douglas TBD-1 Devastator

"Mythical", according to Merriam-Webster, is defined as :existing only in the imagination: fictitious, imaginary. Well, for how many years now has a Trumpeter 1/32 scale TBD Devastator been dangled in front of the modeling [...]

Morane-Saulnier in the Swiss Air Force 1939 – 1959

The Morane-Saulnier, together with the Messerschmitt Bf 109 and the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6, formed the backbone of the Swiss fighter Squadrons, especially during the active Service period 1939-1945. They were involved in dogfights mainly [...]