The 1/350 Database at iModeler

212 articles
  • Items tagged with 1/350
  • 212 articles
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  • Last addition 9 years, 8 months ago

1:350 scale modeling


It cannot with the best of will be said, that the german destroyers of WW2 were successful designs. Their sleek hulls had far too little volume in the foreship to carry the artillery. It was bad enough with the single 15 cm gun on the [...]

I-58 (Keiten)

This is Academy's 1/350 Japanese submarine I-58 (Keiten), infamous for sinking the U.S.S. Indianapolis on the latter's return from delivering parts for the first atomic weapons, just a week before the end of hostilities in the Pacific. In [...]


The Roma…… Aaah…….. The last italian Battleship and one of the most beautiful battleships ever built…. Actually her history was a tragic one. She was launched one day before Italy's entry into the war and by the time she was [...]


Having finished four german capital ships of WW2, it was time to complement my german collection with some subs. I chose to build one from each important class. The Typ VIIc U-Boot was the workhorse of the german navy and bore the brunt of [...]


Graf Spee was the third and last of the "Deutschland Class" ships. In Germany they were referred to as "Panzerschiffe", which means "armored ships". In other countries they were called "pocket [...]

Dragons Scharnhorst in 1:350

In the summer of 2010 it finally happened. A major manufacturer issued a kit of the Scharnhorst in 1:350. The Scharnhorst was one of the most beautiful ships ever built and she had an interesting and dramatic history at well. During the [...]

I-400 in 1:350 from Tamiya

I finished Tamiya's I-400 in february 2010. The idea for these giant subs came from Admiral Yamamoto. The plan was to take the war to the US by bombing the cities along it's coasts with submarine launched aircraft. The sub would have to be [...]

Suzutzuki in 1:350

About the last thing I did in 2009, was to finish the Susutzuki in 1:350 from Monochrome. The Suzutsuki was the third ship of the Akizuki class destroyers, the class generally considered to be the best class of the japanese destroyers. [...]

Tamiyas USS Fletcher in 1:350

The USS Fletcher was the name ship of a class of 175 ships. It was the largest destroyer class ever built and they were considered to be a very successful design. They served in the US Navy during the WW2 and the Korean War. A number of [...]

Trumpeters Sovremenny in 1:350

I finished the Sovremenny in December 2008. In general I don't like modern warships. I find their angular superstructures ugly and out of proportion. The russian ones look better though, and since I had won the kit at a contest, I thought [...]