The 1/720 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with 1/720
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years, 10 months ago

1:720 scale modeling

#IntrepidCorrected – Revell’s Classic 1/720 Essex Class Carrier (Corrected)

For many modelers of World War II ships, Revell's 1/720 scale model of the USS Intrepid (CV – 11) was an early favorite. It was cheap (two dollars, compared to four dollars for a Tamiya Akagi), easy to build, and gave you a big [...]

1/720 USS Ronald Reagan

This is the Italeri kit in 1/720 scale. I haven't had much time to model this summer, but did manage to build this over the last two months. My local hobby shop owner asked me to build it for a customer whose son is currently serving on [...]

The Hindenburg

Here is something different. It's the Revell 1/720 Hindenburg very easy to put together. It was painted with floquil old silver then decaled and the windows were painted on. This was the cruise ship of the sky for crossing the Atlantic in [...]